Week 38 |
Day 1 |  | (Originally posted Sunday, September 14, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 38:1-28 - "Tried By The Cistern". As we read through the downs and ups and downs and ups of this week's chapter, let's see if we can discern patterns: a pattern of Yahweh's consistent messaging, a pattern of the wicked to stop Yahweh's plan by any means necessary, a pattern of Yahweh blessing by way of unpleasant experience that will inform a future pronouncement, a pattern of unexpected help from an unknown ally, a pattern of Yahweh offering mercy for obedience, and a pattern of pride offering its own minuscule mercy-as-concession instead of the required humility. |
Day 2 | 
 | (Originally posted Monday, September 15, 2014)
Jeremiah 38:1-6 - "Cistern Act". As we begin our chapter this week, let's know that the names we're given are of very important officials in Judah. Let's know that the message Jeremiah is delivering here is the same messaging he's been delivering for most of the book. Jeremiah finds himself literally in a quagmire. |
Day 3 |  | (Originally posted Tuesday, September 16, 2014)
Jeremiah 38:7-13 - " 'Zee' [Shrewd] Samaritan". In our passage today, we come across someone not unlike the Good Samaritan, and yet very different. "Ebed-melech" means "Servant of the King", so it may be his given name or a title. He's like the Good Samaritan in his giving aid when no one else would; he's different in the fact that he could not act unilaterally. He had to have the permission of his boss, King Zedekiah. It may be that while he is instrumental in saving Jeremiah's life, by doing so he helped spare his own life later on. |
Day 4 |  | (Originally posted Wednesday, September 17, 2014)
Jeremiah 38:14-16 - "Remember: All I'm Offering Is The Truth". So as we read our verses today, let's remember Jeremiah has just been rescued from certain death in the cistern, his placement in which was passively allowed by the same king before whom he stands again, and who is now telling him he WON'T be killed for what he says. More than ever, Zedekiah has a serious credibility problem in Jeremiah's book. The important point to see through all this is that Yahweh's message doesn't change just because people--even big, important people--may apply pressure or exert influence on His messengers. What to do, what to do, what's a prophet of Yahweh the Living God to do? Now Jeremiah finds himself figuratively in a quagmire.
Amos 5:24. |
Day 5 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Thursday, September 18, 2014)
Jeremiah 38:17-23 - "Only The Penitent Man Will Pass". As we read today's passage, we should notice Jeremiah sharing the WHOLE message Yahweh has given him to share with King Zedekiah. He needed to be humble and surrender himself to save his leaders and his legacy. We in the Church today should take after this example, because hell is unpleasant and a fiery lake is ominous, but these locales are not going away simply because we don't talk about them. And the Scripture is clear that many will end up there. We must stay our course on our rescue mission. In the case of Zedekiah, Jeremiah was right that he would not do what Jeremiah advised. |
Day 6 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Friday, September 19, 2014)
Jeremiah 38:24-28 - "Lying Between A Rock And A Hard Place". Impossible situations. We've all been in one or many from time to time. If you haven't, just live a little longer and you will be sooner or later. As we close out this week's chapter, we follow along with Jeremiah as the King Zedekiah has now heard the message from Yahweh through J and now gives J a command to conceal their discussion should the princes inquire. And J does it. If you think you can't identify with the position the prophet is in, you men, just remember when your woman asked you, "Does this dress make me look fat?" And there you are. For you women, this situation is not unlike the beauty paradox. And there you are. God blesses us in His word with accounts like these of seemingly impossible situations, and yet their proper solutions are actually evident within the contexts of the passages. Because He wants us to wrestle with the text, the proper course in this forum is not to exposit the answer--that's too easy--but to encourage you to get there led by the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth, assured that there is in fact an answer. Once you've found it, it might make you say "Doh!".
Think Occam's Razor. |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, September 20, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 38:1-28 and REST in the assurance thatYahweh sees even the servant who helps His servant just As well as the dithering king who helps only himself survive, Leaving the blind king to blindly languish without legacy And relieving the servant who saw righteously to see himself thrive. |