Week 37 |
Day 1 |  | (Originally posted Sunday, September 7, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 37:1-21 - "The Punishment For Faithful Service". As we read through our chapter this week, let's be mindful that at times when obeying our God, we may find ourselves at odds with the influential. Let's remember with Yahweh we have a Christlike constitution that will be tested. |
Day 2 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Monday, September 8, 2014)
Jeremiah 37:1-2 - "Installed King Zedekiah In Over His Head". Review also Jeremiah 21:1-10. Because Jeremiah is not put together in a chronological order, we can do things like go far forward and far back at the same time, simply by starting this next chapter. Think about how often you really get to flashforward down memory lane... That aside, we again skip forward in the timeline and revisit the overwhelmed King Zedekiah, who is still not listening to Yahweh. For our takeaway: diplomacy has it's place, but sooner or later, you've gotta make a call. The attached video is for the purpose of illustrating that point, hopefully humorously. (For any that may be offended and for the record: if you choose to drink, drink responsibly or NOT AT ALL. If you don't know what THAT means, then don't touch the stuff. Not one drop.) |
Day 3 |  | (Originally posted Tuesday, September 9, 2014)
Jeremiah 37:3-5 - "A Momentary Respite". As we read today's verses, notice an interesting juxtaposition between on the one hand the wicked king's sending of his men to ask for Jeremiah's intercession on their behalf to Yahweh, the One True God whom the king usually dismisses, and on the other hand this momentary relief from their attackers with this momentary assist from Egypt.
Momentary. |
Day 4 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Wednesday, September 10, 2014)
Jeremiah 37:6-10 - "Bad News For Wicked King Zed". In today's portion, we read Yahweh giving notice to Zedekiah that Egypt will leave, the Babylonians will return and the city will be brought down. Often we feel as if we have been blindsided by God, when actually, He has telegraphed quite a bit of what He does if only we would be familiar with His word. This is one often unmentioned rationale for adherents to agnosticism: the comfort that comes from "I don't know" that leads to "I didn't hear that warning" that leads to "I didn't see that video" that leads people to try to plead ignorance or even innocence when Yahweh calls to account. And He will. Best to buckle up with Jesus. |
Day 5 |  | (Originally posted Thursday, September 11, 2014)
Jeremiah 37:11-16 - "Wrongfully Accused". As we read our verses today, be open to the possibility presented by the positioning of today's passage between yesterday's and tomorrow's pieces that Jeremiah's arrest may be a plot to soften the words he had been speaking from Yahweh. And remember that even if we who serve Yahweh are held back, He holds us steady; He's preparing us in this temporary life for the life that lasts.
We truly live only in the light found between the shadowy lines. |
Day 6 |  | (Originally posted Friday, September 12, 2014)
Jeremiah 37:17-21 - "A Captive Audience". As we close out our chapter this week, we find Jeremiah called in to have an audience with the less-than-sanguine King Zedekiah who at this point can practically feel Nebuchadnezzar breathing down his neck. This passage is fascinating as a study in perspectives: the king may actually be more a captive of his throne and circumstances than Jeremiah is of his service to his God and the cell into which he's been put.
If anyone's listening: you can't force Yahweh's hand; in the end, you'll only be leveraging yourself. You must wait for Him. |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, September 13, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 37:1-21 and REST in the knowledge thatThough we may get a slightly better position through shifting, It may be that we get there only after a needed uplifting. |