Week 32 |
Day 1 |  | (Originally posted Sunday, August 3, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 32:1-44 - "Clearing A Deed" or "A Cell, A Pitch, A Sale, A Prayer, And An Answer". Ever wonder why it is from time to time God has you make moves that don't make sense at the moment because you don't see how events will be playing out in unexpected ways? As we read through this week 's chapter, let's try to recall in our lives those times, times when we seemed to be doing something ridiculous God wanted us to do. Times when we resisted and He got nothing, and times when we followed and He got glory. |
Day 2 |  | (Originally posted Monday, August 4, 2014)
Jeremiah 32:1-5 - "A Tough Cell". As you have been following Jesus, have you found yourself on the outs with someone because of something God put on your heart to tell someone that would have been to their benefit if only they would have taken the advice and/or heeded the warning? That is precisely the position Jeremiah is in in our passage today with King Zedekiah basically arresting him for speaking the words Yahweh gave him that would have saved many if only they would have listened. He tried to help it, but it was too late for Zedekiah. |
Day 3 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Tuesday, August 5, 2014)
Jeremiah 32:6-8 - "A Tough Sell" or "Wow, It's Like Deja Vu... Wow, It's Like Deja Vu". Because we live in time, we tend to think of the present as the point at which the future meets the past, or the future becomes the past. Yahweh exists eternally, and so from His perspective, time and everything constrained by it are seen, for lack of words, contemporaneously, or at the same time. The present is actually where time converges with eternity. The present, this moment that we are in, is the closest temporal unit to eternity that we can perceive; we are IN this present moment actively, unlike the past, in which we cannot be--because it's already over--or the future--not here yet. In the present, we ARE.
It may be a difficult concept to wrap our minds around, but it can be helpful to our Bible reading and study when we come across passages like this, when Yahweh tells someone that thus and so is going to happen, and then it happens. It's not unlike us describing a painting to someone, element by element.
Though we rarely are gifted with our God Yahweh describing to us exactly what is about to happen and then it happens, we DO have access to the closed canon of His Word, and wonderful volumes of wisdom, like Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, even the Song of Songs and others, that tell us of specific situations, and what happens in those situations when we go one direction or another. Can you see? Our God tells us something, for example, "Whoever makes deals with strangers is sure to get burned; if you keep a cool head, you’ll avoid rash bargains." (Proverbs 11:15, The Message). We've been conditioned in our society to call such wisdoms "common sense". But that is a misnomer. Pay attention to Yahweh now or pay much more later. |
Day 4 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Wednesday, August 6, 2014)
Jeremiah 32:9-15 - "Thinking Four-Dimensionally" or "Signing For Hope". Today's passage seems initially to simply describe a property sale. However, when we realize the property Jeremiah is buying is currently unavailable because of Babylon's intrusion, it is a sale that seems to all observers to be madness. Yahweh is directing this transaction as a sign of hope to His people Israel that the current situation is only a temporary one, and as the text says, there will be a returning to peace and a normal commerce.
Do remember that our God sees things not only as they have been and as they truly are, but also as they will be, and in that we find a hope that is not just wishful thinking, but a reliance for holy and right living. For example: At the name of Jesus, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess He is Lord, and not because we hope that is what will happen, but because HE HAS SAID IT WILL BE SO (Isaiah 45:22-24; Philippians 2:9-11). Mark it down. |
Day 5 |  | (Originally posted Thursday, August 7, 2014)
Jeremiah 32:16-25 - "Now THAT'S A Prayer" or "Before You Ask Him Why...". Read. Read aloud. Learn. Pray your own. Repeat. |
Day 6 |  | (Originally posted Friday, August 8, 2014)
Jeremiah 32:26-44 - "The Big Picture God". We are greatly treated through Jeremiah's being greatly treated by Yahweh's detailed response to his prayer, which we read yesterday. Imagine yourself being in prayer, and Yahweh takes you up and sets you down in a cool, dark movie theatre, He turns up the lights and proceeds to show you a FEATURE FILM as a response to YOUR question! How awesome would that be? Because what we have been given as His answer is a complete story: it has a beginning, a middle, and an end. And Jeremiah is getting this treat BECAUSE HE WAS FAITHFUL. Remember that. Always.
Now, how and what have you been asking Him? |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, August 9, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 32:1-44 and REST in the certainty thatYahweh lets us read the open deed while keeping the closed one sealed, That we may know, though sin-fected, how to seek Him and be healed. |