Week 31 |
Day 1 |  | (Originally posted Sunday, July 27, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 31:1-40 - "Flipping The Script". Know as we read through our chapter this week that we are observing a crossing over into a new territory at the time of Jeremiah, a kind of sneak peek or a teaser trailer for the New Testament EVEN BEFORE IT WAS WRITTEN. Think of it as looking at a map of the known world as it's being drawn and realizing how much larger the paper is. To the readers at the time, some of this message is wonderful reflection, while some of it seems strange and upside-down. Like for us looking into a spoon. Let's explore. |
Day 2 |  | (Originally posted Monday, July 28, 2014)
Jeremiah 31:1-6, 7-9. "Yahweh Is The Wind Beneath Their Phoenix-like Wings". Let's remember as we read our portions today that this people Yahweh is addressing is the same group that were worshiping every other god but Him, BUT they turned around--or repented--and turned back to Him, and by doing so He restores them to the pristine condition He intended in the first place.
See yourself and your position in regards to Jesus Christ as you read today. Do you know Him? Does He know you? If He doesn't have you already, He's reaching out to you.
He alone can raise you to heaven, the power of your power. |
Day 3 |  | (Originally posted Tuesday, July 29, 2014)
Jeremiah 31:10-14, 15-20. "Where Words Fail" or "Intention And Superintention". In reading today's passages we are both treated to unspeakable joy (so we MUST sing) and tried with breathtaking bittersweetness (so we weep and are yet awestruck). In reading of Yahweh's regathering, we can gather that He is already planting seeds of global evangelism THROUGH the Diaspora. And in verse 15, a prime example of Yahweh's Superintention of His Word. See also Matthew 2:16-18. We are reading here in Jeremiah of Yahweh's comforting message to His people who have been scattered. YET in Matthew, we discover that Rachel is also weeping over the children at the time of Jesus' infancy who were slaughtered by Herod; Jeremiah may or may not have foreseen this. The point is Yahweh knows His Word, and in speaking it to His earthly authors to record, has packaged in it meaning that even the authors themselves may not have seen. This Superintention allows us for a moment to see our Unseeable God... And yet live. |
Day 4 |  | (Originally posted Wednesday, July 30, 2014)
Jeremiah 31:21-22, 23-26. "How Would YOU Describe Church If There Were No Word For 'Church'?". A building? A worship service? A people? As we read today, let's see how Yahweh describes it to people that have no concept of church. Here is where the contemporary readers at the time of Jeremiah would look at the text puzzled and curious over the words "a woman will encompass a man", because it suggests the weaker will be defending the stronger. To the contemporary reader of Jeremiah who can see the signs of the times, however, we should be able to see as well as the Bride of Christ surrounding Her members, also the churchwoman keeping her home in accordance with the Scriptures having to defend her way of life, her husband as he lives under God's authority, and their children as they are deluged by filth from a filthy world. In our time, we should be familiar with the Greek "kurios" (Lord) + "oikou" ("house of") = "kuriakon" => "kirk" => "kirche" => "church". Moreso we should be familiar with the Greek "kaleo" (to call) + "ek-" ("out from/to") = "ekklaysia" ("called out from/to") => "iglesia" ("church") => church. When things are in their proper order, as in Jeremiah's dream in verses 23-25, our sleep is very pleasant, even in a time of national crisis. When we conduct our lives and homes God's way, there will be peace even in the valley. |
Day 5 | 
 | (Originally posted Thursday, July 31, 2014)
Jeremiah 31:27-30, 31-34. "Yahweh Nails The New Covenant". In reading today's, notice in verses 27-30 that Yahweh is making a point of His supervision over His people in hard times and in good times. This is a sort of preamble to His New Covenant that He unveils in verses 31-34. His supervision over His Old Covenant, or Old Testament, was all a PART of His plan, a plan that continues with His supervision over His New Covenant, or New Testament. See also Matthew 26:28, Mark 14:24, Luke 22:20. |
Day 6 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Friday, August 1, 2014)
Jeremiah 31:35-37, 38-40. "Forever". Know as we read our first portion today that Yahweh's love is truly a forever love, the expression of a forever God, the only One, in fact. See also Romans 8:38-39. Know as we read our second portion today that the city described that will never be uprooted or demolished is the hometown of every Christian everywhere ever even though we've never been there. See also Revelation 21:1-7. We long to be there with our God, who is our Father. Finally.
Forever. |
Day 7 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Saturday, August 2, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 31:1-40 and REST knowingOur God is even now preparing a place for us to be with Him forever, So we must rest in His finished work yet for His kingdom endeavor. |