Week 26 |
Day 1 |  | (Originally posted Sunday, June 22, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 26:1-24 - "Do NOT Kill The Messenger, 'That Would Be Painful... For You'; Instead, Hear The Message". As we read our chapter this week, let's accompany Jeremiah as he says what he needs to say, subsequently defends himself against a potential death sentence, and ultimately finds a momentary reprieve as Yahweh provides and wiser elders win the day. |
Day 2 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Monday, June 23, 2014)
Jeremiah 26:1-6 - "Let's See That Again In An Instant Replay". Today's reading is a summary of what we read way back in Chapter 7. When reading Scripture, be advised that when Yahweh says something once, it's important. Twice or more, and we should read it as if it has been printed in ALL CAPS, underscored, highlighted, and *starred*. It means He really wants you to get this, to know it forward and backward. |
Day 3 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Tuesday, June 24, 2014)
Jeremiah 26:7-9, 10-11. "OFF With His Head!" As we read our portions today, let's notice Jeremiah finding himself in a position a bit like Alice was in with the Queen of Hearts. |
Day 4 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Wednesday, June 25, 2014)
Jeremiah 26:12-15 - "Going With Pro Se While Giving Poe A Try". Our reading today should have us feeling as if we are in a foreign courtroom, somehow trying to keep up with what is happening. It will be enough to understand that Jeremiah's defense is Yahweh sent him to say these things, unpleasant as they are, and he is at their mercy. |
Day 5 | 
 | (Originally posted Thursday, June 26, 2014)
Jeremiah 26:16-19 - "A Balanced Approach" or "Micah Check". See also Micah 3:12. In our reading today, we see the officials and the people actually taking up for Jeremiah against the priests and prophets who were calling for his death. Their recalling and quoting Micah is like us recalling and quoting someone from the late 19th century, like Abraham Lincoln. It's also a good example for us when religious leaders make claims; let's be sure to always consult God's word to cross check against what Yahweh has ALREADY said. He will not contradict Himself. Bottom line: there is a balanced approach between prophetic words spoken and the God-breathed Word, and you can't walk a straight line without balance. |
Day 6 |  | (Originally posted Friday, June 27, 2014)
Jeremiah 26:20-23, 24. "The Rundown Of Uriah (Not The Hittite), The Acquittal Of Jeremiah". While we read the balance of this week's chapter today, let's be sure to understand the Uriah mentioned here is NOT the man double-crossed by King David. There's also an intriguing potential subtext in recalling this story from this people's recent history to argue FOR sparing Jeremiah's life. In the context of what we read yesterday--a possible indirect comparison between good king Hezekiah and the wicked Jehoiakim--and here today, what the wicked Jehoiakim himself did to Uriah, who was like Jeremiah in the case on their table. Whatever the case, the outcome was Jeremiah lives. Case closed. |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, June 28, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 26:1-24 and REST consideringJust as surf delivers from the 'tow to the wave, Yahweh delivers that by hard words more He'll save. |