Week 27 |
Dy 1 | 

 | (Originally posted Sunday, June 29, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 27:1-22 - "When We Don't Get To See The Bigger Picture" or "Hindsight As Foresight". In reading through our chapter this week, we will be blessed to have access to the entire Bible from this point in Jeremiah through to the end of the Revelation--a blessing that the people at the time in the chapter DID NOT have. Hopefully and prayerfully as we read through, may we apply this concept to our own lives, especially in situations that are frustrating and confounding, that we are only being allowed to see a part of the bigger picture, an encouragement to exercise our faith.
Remember, our God sees it all clearly. He is in control. |
Day 2 | 
 | (Originally posted Monday, June 30, 2014)
Jeremiah 27:1-5 - "Let The Yoke Be On Us (part 1 of 2)" or "Get Your Motah Runnin'". It's a true saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. That's why there are times when our God Yahweh will at times have His servants doing things that really catch attention. Today's reading fast forwards us in time from last week's reading, past the wicked king Jehoiakim to the last king of Judah, Zedekiah, with Jeremiah in the unenviable position of bearing somber news of hard times to come with a prescription of foul-tasting medicine in order to preserve life. The Hebrew letter mem, then vav, then teth, then heh make the Hebrew word motah /moh•TAH/, meaning "yoke". Now here's the picture: Yahweh's beef with His people from chapter one to this point has been their pursuit of EVERY god except Him. They want to be wild and free. So, in His perfect and divinely poetic way, He now says to them through Jeremiah, "You're born to be wild, eh? I'd rather you all be My PEOPLE, but if you insist, here is how animals are properly utilized. Give it a think." |
Day 3 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Tuesday, July 1, 2014)
Jeremiah 27:6-7, 8-11. "Let The Yoke Be On Us (part 2 of 2)" or "Nebby Puts The 'Punch' In 'Punchline' ". Comedy is a serious thing. It hinges on turn-of-phrase, pivotal timing, and shifting perspective. Comedy is an extremely effective form of communication. As we read our passages today, remember Jeremiah is wearing a yoke while he's saying it, looking pretty foolish. He turns the phrase from verse 5 in verse 6, then shifts the perspective when he explains THEY need to wear the yoke now. In times past, these chosen people of Yahweh chose to laugh at His expense, but when the reality of Nebuchadnezzar sweeping in and conquering with Yahweh's blessing hits home, suddenly it's no laughing matter. Pivotal timing. We who follow Jesus are in a similar position as Jeremiah. It seems as if the joke is on us and we're missing out on life, when the whole time we've actually caught hold of life in the midst of death, and the real joke is on the true fools.
"A jester unemployed is nobody's fool." |
Day 4 |  | (Originally posted Wednesday, July 2, 2014)
Jeremiah 27:12-15 - "Speaking Truth To Power". National pride is a wonderful and healthy thing, but it can also get people in big trouble if it blinds them to what Yahweh is saying, especially when what He is saying will spare their lives. Our reading today recounts Jeremiah's message of submitting to the yoke of Babylon, but today his audience is King Zedekiah himself. In our Christian lives, we can get a blessing by putting ourselves in Jeremiah's position, imagining a yoke by God's command on our neck, and standing before someone of immense and intimidating power, and by the Holy Spirit's power speaking six words: "God's Own Son Provided Eternal Life."
That's the G.O.S.P.E.L. of our Lord Jesus Christ. |
Day 5 |  | (Originally posted Thursday, July 3, 2014)
Jeremiah 27:16-18 - "Truth Testing (part 1 of 2)". See also Deuteronomy 29:22-29. While reading today, know that the Deuteronomy passage we have to look up, Jeremiah and those in his time who are faithful to our God Yahweh already know BY HEART. Can you see? If the false prophets are right, then God is contradicting Himself and Moses is mistaken in that passage. God's people can tell truth from falsehood because they know HIS WORD. Similarly, Christians can discern a true prophetic utterance from a false one because we familiarize ourselves with the Word of God, we know what it says; we spend time with Jesus our Savior, we know what He says. See John 10:4-5. We know His voice, His tone, His clarity and His plainness. Oh, His PLAINNESS! It's that "cool light" to which Lewis referred. |
Day 6 |  | (Originally posted Friday, July 4, 2014)
Jeremiah 27:19-22 - "Truth Testing (part 2 of 2)" or "Completed Works". As we read today's portion and finish the chapter, it will be interesting to know the word for vessel, keli /keh•LEEH/, is from the word kalah /kah•LAH/, meaning "finished". We've all heard of a finished work. Like that word "workmanship" in Ephesians 2:10. And then there's Jesus, who told us to be perfect, or complete. We are His vessels of worship. In this life, we vessels of His are separated from Him in this Babylon-like world. Until He visits US. He is the Truth that sets us free. And indeed we are free. If you don't know Jesus, you should join us. Let Him complete you. |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, July 5, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 27:1-22 and REST in the truth thatGod's true prophets must speak what He has spoken; All the false thinking it a joke will find He's not jokin'. |