Week 25 |

Link to video clip
MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY ***CAUTION*** | (Originally posted Sunday, June 15, 2014)
***CAUTION: Today's attached clip is FOR MATURE AUDIENCES.***
Overview Jeremiah 25:1-38 - "All The World Is But An Arena". As we battle through this week's formidable reading, let's learn the easy way--or re-learn--that it's best to be on Yahweh's team. ***CAUTION: Today's attached clip, an interpretive dance depicting a hard way to learn, is FOR MATURE AUDIENCES.*** |
Day 2 | 

 | (Originally posted Monday, June, 16, 2014)
Jeremiah 25:1-7, 8-11. "Opening A Time Capsule, Setting A Stage". In today's reading, we'll get a time stamp and a review of 23 years of messaging that Jeremiah has been delivering to Judah. Then we'll read about what will be happening seventy years hence.
If nothing else today, let's be ready to consider what we might do differently if we knew what was coming. |
Day 3 |  | (Originally posted Tuesday, June, 17, 2014)
Jeremiah 25:12-14 - "One Step Closer". As we read today's portion, let's take comfort in the real reality that even while injustice packaged as justice seems to win the day, even while immorality packaged as good morals seems to win the hour, even while evil packaged as good, wrong packaged as right seem to win the moment, and even while those who practice such villainy packaged as heroism seem to continue blissfully into a small and seemingly perfect piece of their forever, Yahweh has a different ending written. Let's keep reading. |
Day 4 |  | (Originally posted Wednesday, June, 18, 2014)
Jeremiah 25:15-16, 17-26. "God's Sommelier". As we read through today's passages today, and come across many names that are unfamiliar, let's not be distracted from a major theme, namely, that our God Yahweh owns EVERYTHING, and we live in His house at His pleasure. When He's bringing His special beverages to these that He mentions, it is not dissimilar from a host entertaining his guests providing drink. |
Day 5 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Thursday, June, 19, 2014)
Jeremiah 25:27-29 - "Driven To Drink". Picking up where we left off yesterday, Jeremiah is giving out the drinks God has given him to give out and now we read instructions should any refuse. They will drink what He offers them, or later it will be so bad they will drink to escape.
For our takeaway, it should be noted that it is best to take what Yahweh initially offers, because He can make things so bad that you'll end up doing what He wanted in the first place, but only at a greater loss than what was initially perceived.
Everyone dies once, not everyone will die twice. Remember: Jesus drank a cup for us. |
Day 6 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Friday, June, 20, 2014)
Jeremiah 25:30-31, 32, 33-38 - "Sometimes He Roars To Tell Us Where NOT To Be". Today's readings are very hard, but souls can be saved if they know where NOT to be. |
Day 7 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Saturday, June 21, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 25:1-38 and REST in the encouragement thatThe ox plows though none care to watch; The Lion roars then little becomes much. |