Week 15 |
Day 1 |  | (Originally posted Sunday, April 6, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 15:1-21 - "The Paradox Of The Diamond-Hard Softie". As we read through Jeremiah 15, let's have some medication nearby for the headaches that may be experienced when we consider our God Yahweh's words suggesting that His justice is without mercy and His mercy is without justice, YET He is simultaneously absolutely just AND absolutely merciful, attempting to separate us from our unholiness so that we may be with Him separated in His holiness--diamonds out of the rough.
Now where's that water? |
Day 2 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Monday, April 7, 2014)
Jeremiah 15:1-4 - "Roaring Like A Lion". Today's reading is a snapshot at the end of a long winding escalating road that Yahweh has been trying to prevent His people from taking. When we read here "Let them go", it is the same word He used through Moses way back in Exodus when He led His people to freedom. In His masterful use of irony He shows us He is the same as He ever was; it is we who are changing.
There's only so much disrespect He will tolerate; He is the Almighty Yahweh, after all.
Sometimes it behooves us to change back before He whoops our hiney! |
Day 3 |  | (Originally posted Tuesday, April 8, 2014)
Jeremiah 15:5-9 - "Is It Really An Accident If You Kept Going The Wrong Way On A One-Way?" or "No One Mourns For Jerky Drivers, Either". Today's portion on first read seems harsh in the extreme, HOWEVER, it is mitigated by the realities that 1.) here is a people that is absolutely determined to rebel against their God and go forth without Him, and 2.) He sees the Big Picture as well as all the small ones that comprise it, and He will not project an image of a "weak" All-Powerful Supreme Being to the world--This will not stand.
On the road of life, you may have accidents, but please don't cause them. |
Day 4 |  | (Originally posted Wednesday, April 9, 2014)
Jeremiah 15:10-11, 12-14. "Raw & Reel". In today's reading we can see Jeremiah as a real person, with raw exposed feelings over these things Yahweh has him telling His people. The takeaway for us is simply to know that God knows when you feel awkward over tasks He's given you to help others no matter the reception, yet they still need to get done. He'll be there with you. Be vigilant. |
Day 5 |  | (Originally posted Thursday, April 10, 2014)
Jeremiah 15:15-18 - "Yes, It Really Is A Prayer. And It's Okay.". As you read this juicy tidbit today, realize these are the words of a real person pouring out his heart to his God. Yahweh's a big God; He can take our complaints. And if we'll get together with His plan, He'll steel us to handle His solutions; we'll be able to handle His answers.
(Note: Today's pic is inspired by Ms. Fisher, who keeps the faith, especially in the valley. Thank you for your service, sister! Much love : ) ) |
Day 6 |  | (Originally posted Friday, April 11, 2014)
Jeremiah 15:19-21 - "Yahweh Is So Good It's Scary" or "How Could You Go Into Heaven If God Doesn't Scare The Hell Out Of You?". Yesterday we read a sincere prayer from a real man doing the real Living God Yahweh's work. He poured his heart out. Today we read that real Living God Yahweh's response, a completion of the instruction to an authentic prayer life: we MUST EXAMINE what we have poured out from our heart after we pour it out! This can be scary. From verse 19 we can glean that Jeremiah has erred in his thinking, that's why he needs to repent. It amounts to, "Check yourself before you wreck yourself." If we can see where we've gone wrong and turn back from that to God's plan, then He'll have our back, and that's a great position to be in.
(Note: please pray for a friend of the faith, Miss Katyann Rahgedi, who is going through a wilderness experience right now, that God would heal her and bring her back home safely. Thank you who pray.) |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, April 12, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 15:1-21 and REST in the good reality that
Though apart from Him we may for a time wallow in the mire, Yahweh still sees us as potential objects of His desire. |