Week 16 |
Day 1 |  | (Originally posted Sunday, April 13, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 16:1-21 - "Bitter/Sweet". As we read through the lows and highs of Jeremiah 16 this week, keep in mind that this chapter is like the entire Bible: it does have a happy ending. |
Day 2 |  | (Originally posted Monday, April 14, 2014)
Jeremiah 16:1-4, 5-9. "Jeremiah's Burdens, A Warning Sign To God's People". In today's portions we get to look inside the life of Jeremiah to see what Yahweh had him undertake to get the message across to His people then and to us today. As we read, it should occur to us that Jeremiah's life is the realization of our greatest fears in following God: we will be fully detached from this world, surrounded by people and yet alone, and somehow Yahweh will get glory.
Worry not; He will cast away our fears. |
Day 3 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Tuesday, April 15, 2014)
Jeremiah 16:10-13 - "On Va Voir". In reading today, we'll see how the people cop a "Who ME?" attitude with Jeremiah as he pronounces these judgments over them. Gracious as He is, Yahweh will indulge what is probably a feigned ignorance of their guilt and say, "Let's see, ..." And proceed to spell out how their ancestors went down the path of idolatry, and how they're even worse by worshiping themselves. When He says He'll throw or hurl them out, it's worse than the throwing Captain America does in this clip. But we can get an idea. |
Day 4 |  | (Originally posted Wednesday, April 16, 2014)
Jeremiah 16:14-15 - "A Light At The End Of The Tunnel". As we read today's verses, we should note an abrupt change in tone. It's not unlike a parent chastising a child, explaining why they are being consequenced and then letting the child know what good will be happening later; something to look forward to. Like Jesus' resurrection is a point of hope, reminding us of our own resurrection to look forward to. |
Day 5 |  | (Originally posted Thursday, April 17, 2014)
Jeremiah 16:16-18 - "...But He's Coming For You, Yeah, He's Coming For You". We needed yesterday's reading to catch a breath in the midst of all the righteous rage Yahweh's bringing down in this book. So today, we'll get the message that He sees everything and that means there's nowhere to run and nowhere to hide for these people of His who have decided to live idolatrously.
We don't really get worshiping statues in this age of ours, but we do get postmodernism if we are laity, that attitude of an individual that says, "It's my world and you're just living in it," or if we are clergy we understand the damage caused by reader-response criticism. Either way, Yahweh will deal justly and swiftly (by His perspective) with all unrepentant subscribers of such.
Mark this: no one is faster than His bullet. |
Day 6 |  | (Originally posted Friday, April 18, 2014)
Jeremiah 16:19-21 - "...Then They Will Know My Name Is Yahweh." As we read today, we should hear the sound of an uncountable crowd roaring and cheering as Yahweh reasserts His proper position in all things.
This pronouncement is quite similar to Jesus' self-description found in Revelation 1:8, as "Yahweh" is literally "Will be/Was", denoting His eternality. |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, April 19, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 16:1-21 and REST easy, Christian, knowing that sometimes when God completely answers a situation, tomblike silence can result. |