Week 14 |
Day 1 |  | (Originally posted Sunday, March 30, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 14:1-22 - "The Children Of Yahweh Will NOT Be Spoiled". As we read through chapter 14 this week, let us realize that one of the reasons God blesses us with children is to give us a peek (because a peek is all we can handle) at His perspective in dealing with us.
The difference is that adults generally are grownups: we can choose to know better. That's why the stakes are higher. |
Day 2 |  | (Originally posted Monday, March 31, 2014)
Jeremiah 14:1-9 - "In Need Of Drought Insurance". Today's reading is in the literal sense very dry, yet in the literary sense brimming with word pictures that leave you parched in a thirsty land. What we are reading today is the result of a people whose God is Yahweh and yet neglect, ignore and deny Him utterly. In the beginning man sinned (Genesis 3) yet the entire creation is suffering as a result (Romans 8:22).
The Lord Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God, and Himself Yahweh, is Drought Insurance. He is the Rock from which water flows to save His people (Exodus 17:6; 1 Corinthians 10:4). He is the Fountainhead within His followers from which the living water flows (John 7:38).
No living water? Do you know Him as your personal Savior and Lord?
If yes and still no living water, then call a plumber. |
Day 3 | 
 | (Originally posted Tuesday, April 1, 2014)
Jeremiah 14:10-12 - "Out Of Sync". As we read today's verses, let's think of times when our computers go down. We are the users and the computers are the servers and terminals. If you understand this, you can follow the passage in this way:
Yahweh God is the User, and we all are His servers. By the time we read this passage, the servers hadn't been responding to the User for quite some time. After trying patches and pings and every other programming terminology fix, all that remains is to reboot. End of line. |
Day 4 | 
 | (Originally posted Wednesday, April 2, 2014)
Jeremiah 14:13-16 - "Prophet Margin". The exchange we read in today's portion is fascinating. Yahweh just said in yesterday's reading He will not entertain His people's wrongheaded and wronghearted pleas and cries and prayers, so now today we pick up with Jeremiah relating how false prophets have misled them, and Yahweh coming back and describing true justice.
In the here and now, how is it relevant?
A: Beware of leaders who speak condescendingly of the good things with which our God Yahweh (Who Himself graciously condescends to meet with us, btw) has blessed us. Such leaders are usually leading their followers into a pit. Jesus said something along those lines, but these same leaders might just call Him annoying. |
Day 5 |  | (Originally posted Thursday, April 3, 2014)
Jeremiah 14:17-18 - "Tears Of Rage" or "Who Said It? ...Careful...". As we read our verses today, let us be aware that even while God gives consequences, He does so tearfully. He takes no pleasure in it! It really does hurt Him more than it hurts us. In fact, it hurts Him more than we can imagine. |
Day 6 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Friday, April 4, 2014)
Jeremiah 14:19-22 - "You Can Pick You Friends, ...". What we read in today's verses is a prayer going up to Yahweh God to spare His people in spite of their ongoing godless behavior. It is most likely Jeremiah himself that is praying this heavy-hearted prayer on behalf of his people. The problem here is this people wanted to continue in their sinfulness and not be consequenced for it, meaning even if they said the words of the prayer, they didn't mean them. This is partly why Jesus commanded against empty repetitions.
Relevance today?
A: To get to heaven, YOU YOURSELF must pray to receive Jesus in your heart as your personal Savior and Lord. No one else can pray it for you. "I wonder do you know Him?" |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, April 5, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 14:1-22 and REST in the wisdom that
Yahweh's gift is a relief about future dispositions To us who presently pay attention to past histories. |