Week 13 |
Day 1 |  | (Originally posted Sunday, March 23, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 1:1-27 - "Here We Go Again" or "The God Of Many Chances". This week as we read through Jeremiah 13, there should be some familiarity here. Know as you go through the word this week that it's the same message as what we've read before because our God Yahweh gives many, many opportunities for us to turn away from our wrongdoing and turn back to Him. It's called repentance. And it's not a bad word. |
Day 2 |  | (Originally posted Monday, March 24, 2014)
Jeremiah 13:1-7 - "What A Waistband" or "The Hidden Band That Was Ruined". As we read today, let's notice how God can ask us to do things that seem quite random at the time, but ultimately fit into His plan perfectly, like asking one of His kids to go see a friend who doesn't realize they're a friend. Always follow the Holy Spirit's lead. |
Day 3 |  | (Originally posted Tuesday, March 25, 2014)
Jeremiah 13:8-11 - "Clothing Malfunction". As we read today, let's note how Yahweh utilizes the seemingly random exercise He had Jeremiah do in yesterday's reading to explain quite poignantly how brilliance is made awkward when we don't adhere to His principles. When we DO adhere to His principles, however, then what would have been awkward is actually brilliant. |
Day 4 | 
 | (Originally posted Wednesday, March 26, 2014)
Jeremiah 13:12-14 - "No Praise And Worship Of ME? I'll Make You Into A Mosh Pit". As we read today, let's realize by the time we get to this passage, our God Yahweh has been in the position of a man waiting a long time and very patiently for his wife to get ready on date night, meanwhile she's out painting the town with someone else!
He is worthy of our worship and our praise. And as the only Living God, He will eventually take action if it's not happening! Let's learn from their mistakes; let's not go there! |
Day 5 |  | (Originally posted Thursday, March 27, 2014)
Jeremiah 13:15-19 - "And Rebekah Never Saw Her Boy Again". Today's portion is dark and sad because we know in spite of Yahweh's invitation to His people to bring them back from the brink, they will go their own way and into exile they will go. The situation is not dissimilar from the account in Genesis 27-28 when Rebekah manipulated her favored son to steal for himself his brother's blessing by impersonating him to their father Isaac, thus manipulating him as well; upon discovering the other brother's intentions, she advises her beloved boy to flee for his life, thinking they will meet up again later, though there is no indication in Scripture that that ever happened.
Cue the waterworks. |
Day 6 | 
 | (Originally posted Friday, March 28, 2014)
Jeremiah 13:20-27 - "The Clash Of The Cultures". The potency of today's passage can easily be missed in the context of our modern culture, particularly with the imagery of a skirt going over the head, as this has become a commonplace picture of playful flirtation in our society, and no longer perceived as an expression of bitter shame. A more relatable picture for us is that of the successful and blessed King David who lacked faith for a moment and counted his men against God's will, and he brought death to his people for it (2 Samuel 24, 1 Chronicles 21). The silver lining here is the hope Yahweh extends by the final question asked, suggesting His people's uncleanness will not be indefinite.
Here's hoping we'll get it right. |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, March 29, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 13:1-27 and REST in the wisdom that
Knowledge of impending danger withheld is cruel, But a clear conscience accompanies the faithful watchman.