Week 8 |
Day 1 |  | (Originally posted Sunday, February 16, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 8:1-22 - "Acting Like Horses? I'll Show You Horses." As we canter through the reading this week of chapter 8, it behooves us to notice how sharp is Yahweh's sight, so much that it pierces, and the poetry of His justice. Tally-Ho! |
Day 2 |  | (Originally posted Monday, February 17, 2014)
Jeremiah 8:1-3 - "Boneheads". Today's reading, were it a movie, would be rated for more mature audiences. A very pointed narrative passage describing what will be happening in the aftermath of invasion and conquest. All is plunder, nothing is sacred, from the bones of the large to the bones of the small. Yahweh gives us two powerful truths to feel in the marrow: 1.) the grotesquery we feel in experiencing this scene is the grotesquery He feels when His people do not act like His people, and 2.) there is no rest, even in the final rest, for anyone who will live and ultimately die in defiant rebellion of Him.
Are you a member of the Body of Christ? Remember, not a bone of His will be broken. |
Day 3 |  | (Originally posted Tuesday, February 18, 2014)
Jeremiah 8:4-7 - "Why Gallop When You Can Fly?". WATCH OUT! Yahweh God begins in today's reading with rapid-fire questioning. You know what that means! (If not, check out The Jeremiah Project, Week 2, day 6 (3/3) over Jeremiah 2:29-37). Yahweh likens his people to horses and contrasts them with birds in the passage, but people can choose to charge ahead galloping or to fly according to the plan Yahweh sets up. |
Day 4
(Originally posted Wednesday, February 19, 2014)
(1/2) Jeremiah 8:8-12 - "Theology Matters". I was concerned when watching the very popular Bible miniseries that was broadcast last year and is now being partially released as the film "Son Of God" this year. I was concerned because of the scene where Jesus is speaking the words found in John 14:6 except for omitting the "minor" detail that no one comes to the Father except through Him. That was huge.
(2/2) Yahweh has established a theology. He expects people to adhere to that particular theology. This is a hard saying for most people in the world, that's why we end up with so many religions. Just as there is such a thing as absolute truth, so also it is true that there can be only one True Religion. At the time of our featured passage, the people were dependent on the Scribes and religious leaders to know what God's Word said. But in the here and now, anyone can have access to the texts and READ IT FOR THEMSELVES! We are free to decide if there is a God or not, if there is only one God or are there many, what is right and what is wrong. And we are free to receive the consequences of our decisions. Read on.
Day 5 |  | (Originally posted Thursday, February 20, 2014)
Jeremiah 8:13-17 - "Nostrils Flared". Today's reading is actually reminiscent of an episode in Israel's history found in Numbers 11:4-20, and of what Paul said in Romans 1:21-23. Persistently defy Yahweh and eventually He will let you get your fill of what you think it is that you want. |
Day 6

Link to video clip
(Originally posted Friday, February 21, 2014)
Jeremiah 8:18-22 - "Sometimes We Just Want To Know Why". Today's reading finds Jeremiah like many of us day-to-day, looking for answers. Know today that it's okay to cry out to God to know why. He might just show you the bigger picture.
Day 7
(Originally posted Saturday, February 22, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 8:1-22 and REST in the foreknowledge that Yahweh is as longsuffering of transgression and willing to forgive as He is articulate of grievance, expectant of justice, and confident of rectification.