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Week 6
Day 1
(Originally posted Sunday, February 2, 2014)

Overview Jeremiah 6:1-30 - "Bueller? Bueller?". As we read through Jeremiah 6:1-30 this week, let's be mindful that Yahweh God pays attention to every word He says, even if we don't; let us also prayerfully remember our family, friends and acquaintances who who are not for whatever reason paying attention.
Day 2
(Originally posted Monday, February 3, 2014)

Jeremiah 6:1-5, 6-8 - "Spiritual Chemo". Sin is cancer to our soul. Left untreated, it spiritually kills us. Yahweh God knows this. Jeremiah warns to flee in today's readings because he sees the invasion of Jerusalem coming in from the north like a chemo treatment around a tumor.
Do you feel Him surrounding you? Receive His healing; even if it hurts a lot, it's worth it.
Day 3
(Originally posted Tuesday, February 4, 2014)

Jeremiah 6:9-15 - "I'm Surgical With This... Can You Hear Me Now?". As you read today's portion, see a picture of a loving and firm Father who is also a Surgeon having to perform a surgical procedure on His hearing-impaired son while his son struggles and fights against Him. As you read, see Him say, 'My child, this is going to hurt. A lot.' Pain is not our enemy; often we forget. As we pray, let us remember.
Day 4
(Originally posted Wednesday, February 5, 2014)

Jeremiah 6:16-21 - "Divine Diagnosis". As you read today, see Yahweh as the Doctor laying out for His people, who are His patient, what is going on with them internally, and consequently what He will be doing to ultimately make them better. We crave to be healed; let us pray we will survive the treatment.
Day 5
(Originally posted Thursday, February 6, 2014)

Jeremiah 6:22-26 - "Going Under God's Knife". Today as you read, see Dr. God wielding the invaders from the north as His scalpel, operating on His people; realize that He has myriad instruments with which to operate on us in our lives even as we go through our day-to-day. Some of our worst circumstances are His most significant tools that ultimately make us better. Bear down.
Day 6
(Originally posted Friday, February 7, 2014)

Jeremiah 6:27-30 - "Taking The Heat". Silver melts at 1761 degrees F, but lead melts at only 641 degrees F. The problem becomes clear when we learn that bronze melts at about 1742 degrees F, and Iron melts at up to 2900 degrees F. See also 1 Corinthians 3:10-15. Yahweh God brings the heat, but His people can take it... Be His people.
Day 7
(Originally posted Saturday, February 8, 2014)

Review Jeremiah 6:1-30 and REST in the wisdom that Yahweh does practice what He preaches: He goes the extra mile for you. Receive His Help.

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