Hopefully you're here because someone gave you a card like this:

If so, they love you so much they wanted you to see the message that follows:

( : GOD LOVES YOU! : )

gzssavz = Jesus Saves

He loves you so much He gives you His GOSPEL -

GOSPEL = God's Own Son Provided Eternal Life

God's Plan For You


Why do I need God?

"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,"

-Romans 3:23

Why does it matter that I have sinned?

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord."

-Romans 6:23

Okay, so why would God give me life if I have rightfully earned my death because I have sinned?


"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."

-John 3:16

And just how and when exactly did God do this?


"For God demonstrated His love for us in this, that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

-Romans 5:8

Fine, how can I have this eternal life?


"If you confess with your mouth 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved."

-Romans 10:9

But if I do that, won't I be all alone?


"Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will dine with him, and he with Me."

-Revelation 3:20

So it'll be a nice visit, and then He'll leave, right?


"Surely goodness and love-in-action will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of Yahweh forever."

-Psalm 23:6

Question: How do YOU know?!

Answer: How it went for me

Psonic Alms 21 - My Story

VERSE 1: I was sitting in the driver's seat / Thought I was in control / List'nin' to an old man preach / On the radio / I knew what he was speaking of / I knew that I was dead / I knew that I was lacking love / When he said, / CHORUS: "I have a relationship with God / Through Jesus Christ His Son / Who was dead / But now lives forevermore / In heaven and in here / He's the One I hold so dear / In my heart; / We will never be apart." / VERSE 2: Still sitting in the driver's seat / Knew God was in control / I knew I needed Jesus Christ / To save my lost soul / I followed the old man's leading / To the Savior I was needing / When I was finished praying / I left that car, saying, / CHORUS / BRIDGE: In this life I know my mission is / To tell everyone who Jesus is / To tell everyone I can / To tell everyone I can / CORO (Chorus in Spanish): Que tengo una relacion con Jehova / Por Jesucristo el hijo / Que murio / Pero ahora el vivo por siempre / En el cielo y aqui / El es el que yo adoro / En mi corazon / CHORUS / We will never be apart.

Question: What next?


- Pray this. -

Psonic Alms 14 - Prayer For The Dying

VERSE 1: Dear Jesus, I come to You now
Dear Jesus, I want to make a holy vow
to You
Please be my Savior and my LORD
Please save my soul forevermore
and help me
To live the life You have for me
Dear Jesus, help me to live free

VERSE 2: Dear Jesus, all I have to give
Dear Jesus, this broken life I've lived
in vain;
Please take it from me LORD, I pray
Please take the sting of death away
and never
LORD never let me go astray
Dear Jesus, You are the only Way.

VERSE 3: Dear Jesus, I turn from all my sin
Dear Jesus, Savior change me from within
my heart
LORD let it be forever true
LORD let it beat in time with You
and ever
Let this be my serenade
Dear Jesus, my love will never fade.

Question: Now what?


- Give thanks. -

Psonic Alms 22 -
A Poem Of Prayer

Father in heaven, You know all things
Thank You for what to us You've shown
Thank You for helping us to persevere
Without knowing all that You've known
Thank You for Faith and the blessing she was
Thank You for Hope and the blessing she will be
Infinite thanks to You for Love and His blessing
Enabling us to ever be free
Thank You for You
You are tried and true

Thank You for Jesus Your Son
Your Holy Crim-Son

Thank You for Your Holy Spirit
One plus One equals One
Three but One Inseparate
Thank You for skies red and for skies blue
For they show us and testify that You are You
Thank You for weather or not we believe
You gave us all a chance to receive

Thank You for hearts red and for hearts blue
For they move us and make us feel that You are You
Thank You for broken, thank You for broken
For a chance to have all that You've spoken
Thank You for bloods blue and bloods red
For Christ Jesus and all His blood that was shed

For the
For the cleansing bloodbath that takes death's sting
Thank You for all of these things
Thank You for all these blessings
Father in heaven, thank You for forever
Your praises we will will sing
In Jesus' name

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The Unbreakable TWIG<br>(The Word Is God)
The Unbreakable TWIG (The Word Is God)
Resounding Symbols
Resounding Symbols
Psonic Alms
Psonic Alms
I've come to get more
"SAP from the Life Tree".

The Status Quotes Staktix
(A Game for 2-6 Players)
Coming Attractions: Reigning in Unbridaled Behavior

Last Updated: Thursday, December 28, 2017

Copyright © 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Covered By Red, Inc. / Thoughts That Count / Robert P. Breeden

Current website expiration date: December 21, 2018

What's black and white and read all over?
"People are much like zebras:
Though everything is black and white,
There are still many lines to read between;
---And though there are many predators from which to run,---
Good Zebras Still Stand Against Violent Zebras."
-Ward Smith; Isaiah 53:5 (KJV); 1 Peter 2:24 (KJV)

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