![]() Summer/Fall 2000 |
The Unbreakable TWIG (The Word Is God)Monologue, Diatribe, Triumph; Quarternary Quintessential Hexagon; on the seventh play, rest. The Unbreakable TWIG is a simple illustration that conveys a complex threefold concept: 1.) The Holy Bible is the Word of God; 2.) God is One; Father, Son, and Spirit: Three distinct "Persons" or aspects, One eternal God; and 3.) His "fingerprints" are on all of His creation, and thus the extraordinary is realized within the ordinary. |
- Part 1 - The Holy Bible Is The Word Of God ![]() August 2000 |
The Holy Bible is the Word of God. This is the first impression of the illustration. It is blatantly obvious that this is a picture of the Book with light shining upon it, with a cross on the last page of John, which tells us of the resurrected Jesus Christ, and a dove on the first page of Acts, which tells us of His Father's promise and His ascension. God's Word is a map. It shows us the Way to heaven. We need it. It is only useful when it is open; it is only useful when it is read; it is only useful when it is understood. God's Word is a compass. It tells us which way is East. We need it. It is only useful when it is looked at; it is only useful when it is followed. God's Word is an ocean. We need it. It is a picture of breathtaking beauty on its surface, and should you decide to take the plunge and plumb its depths, you will discover beauty beneath beauty, and more abundant life and love with each league you log; pearls of great price, and, better still, pearls without price. It is only useful if you fish. |
- Part 2 - God Is One, Three In One ![]() September 2000 |
God is One; Father, Son, and Spirit: Three distinct "Persons" or aspects, One eternal God. When you see the Book, there is a point in the very center of the illustration that appears to be the farthest away. When you bring that point closest to you in your mind, you will embrace a paradox, so in addition to seeing the Book, you will also see a Box. We see three Sides, but still one Box. So often people attempt to "put God in a box." The actuality is that God IS the Box. He is not authored, bound, created, defined, or established by anyone or anything; rather, He authors, He sets the boundaries, He creates, He defines, and He establishes. We are in the Boox, if we are in Christ. In the illustration, this Box can only be seen when the Book is open and illuminated, which leads us to the third fold... |
- Part 3 - He Puts the "Extra-" In The Ordinary! ![]() October 2000 |
His "fingerprints" are on all of His creation, and thus the extraordinary is realized within the ordinary. We now can see the Book and the Box, we have embraced the paradox; God is three but One Inseparate, He is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The third fold is this: The picture is just a picture. It relates to us an idea of a book that reveals a Box, but in actuality it is a drawing, a hexagon nested within pages and binding and covers containing a great "Y". In the same way, the Holy Bible is a grouping of symbols representing sounds that form words that form sentences that form ideas that present to us a picture of God, His nature, and His purpose--the great Why. Christianity only works when God's Word is opened, and when your heart is opened (that is, your soul, mind, and will); for then Jesus, the Light of the world, can put mud in your eyes and send you to wash, and you will return seeing (John 9:5-7). tetelestai. |
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