Week 51 |
Day 1 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Sunday, December 14, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 51:1-64 - "Epic Fall, Part 2: New Clear Winter" or "Symphony Of De(con)struction". As we read this penultimate chapter of Jeremiah this week, the winds of change blow fiercely as Yahweh restructures the world-as-it-was's power structure by squashing Babylon with the very nations Babylon had previously squashed. And in the midst of the melee, He will call out His people from the midst of the mayhem. Yahweh the Great Conductor stands at His podium, His orchestra at the ready to play His symphony.
His baton raises. |
Day 2 | 

(Originally posted Monday, December 15, 2014)
Jeremiah 51:1-14 - "An Athbash And An Ash Bath" or "He Knows Front To Back, Back To Front". Today's reading is tragic, terrifying and a bit technical.
Tragic in the horrors that are now being spelled out by Yahweh against Babylon, a time to mourn and grieve, a bathing in ashes, an ash bath.
Terrifying in the reality that He knows His creation intimately, knowing even to the extent of the thoughts and intents of the heart (see Hebrews 4:12).
Technical in the way He is spelling out His intimate knowledge of all things utilizing Babylon as His example. "Leb Kamai" means literally "the heart of those who rise against me". Letter-by-letter, it is an athbash of "Babylon". "Athbash" is derived from the first letter in Hebrew, aleph, the last letter, tav, the second letter, beth, and the penultimate letter, shin; English equivalent "a-z-b-y", transliterated "a-t-b-s"=>"athbash". So {lamed-beth-quf-mem-yodh} (that's Leb Kamai) becomes {kaf-sin-dalet-yodh-mem} (that's Chaldea, =Babylon).
Bottom line: He knows ALL the details, and the hearts of EVERY matter, not just every person.
Let's pay attention to His lettering. |
Day 3 | 
 | (Originally posted Tuesday, December 16, 2014)
Jeremiah 51:15-19, 20-23, 24-26. "Yahweh's Hammer". See also Colossians 1:15-19, Revelation 19:11-15. A hammer is a tool to build, but it can also be a weapon to destroy. We read in verses 15-19 of Jeremiah 51 a wonderful song about how Yahweh created everything and how there is no god like Him; the power to build up, to create. Then in verses 20-23, a refrain of Yahweh's in which He describes the general shattering He does with His /mahp•PEHTS/, literally "shatterer"; the power to break down, to destroy. And in verses 24-26, Yahweh describes specifically how He will hammer Babylon.
Jesus is Yahweh's Hammer. |
Day 4 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Wednesday, December 17, 2014)
Jeremiah 51:27-32, 33-35, 36-44. "Slugging It Out". In our readings today, Yahweh hammers out more specifically how it will come about that Babylon will be purged, even as she has swallowed and purged others. In the end, Yahweh was using Babylon as an avatar for their false god Bel and an example to the whole world that He alone is God. All He does is flex. |
Day 5 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Thursday, December 18, 2014)
Jeremiah 51:45-48, 49-58. "Better Run, Better Run, Faster Than His Bullet." or "Preclusion". In reading today's intense portions, let's recognize Yahweh's grace even as His figurative fire is about to fall, in the calling of His own to not be anywhere near His target Babylon.
Recognize also that our great God Yahweh is not like us in that His aims are always just and His aim is always true. And He never misses. |
Day 6 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Friday, December 19, 2014)
Jeremiah 51:59-64 - "The End Is A Stone's Throw Away" or "Meta-Throw". See also Revelation 18:21-24. We find Babylon finished as we finish our chapter this week. "Seraiah" means "Yah(weh)Persists", and so we have here in addition to the obviousness of Babylon's doom also a literal picture expressing the name "Jeremiah". Remember it means "EstablishedByYah(weh)" and/or "ThrownByYah(weh)". So-- watch this, now -- we have a picture of a stone wrapped up in the word of God, and thrown by "Yah(weh)Persists": Thrown by Yahweh. Peter called us who follow and belong to Jesus living stones, and we should be wrapped up in His word, and He does indeed throw us wherever He pleases. Cry out, you rocks!
Furthermore, Babylon sinks to rise no more, so we also have a point of reference and a cipher by which to better understand the Babylon references Brother John records in the Revelation for us by the Holy Spirit's inspiration.
Let us pray. |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, December 20, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 51:1-64 and REST in the reality thatYahweh's word brings down mighty empires as though they were tissue paper, And wicked leaders of His people live out exiled lives each according to their caper. |