Week 49 |
Day 1 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Sunday, November 30, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 49:1-39 - "A Paragraph" or "Sentences". Judge Yahweh continues His work from His bench rendering judgments this week as Jeremiah moves on from Moab to give notice to various peoples, migrating toward the biggest defendant, Babylon. |
Day 2 |  | (Originally posted Monday, December 1, 2014)
Jeremiah 49:1-6 - "Ammon, Ammon, Ammon Whole Wheat" or "Insert Obscure Spoof-Of-Pop Culture Reference Here". See also Genesis 19. The way of sin is that which disobeys Yahweh, that's why the way of Satan is twisted counterfeit of what God does. Ammon is a prime example of this. Abraham has a son, Ishmael, then a son who is Ishmael's half-brother, Isaac. Lot, on the other hand, who separated from Abraham, then fled reluctantly from Sodom and Gomorrah, in the aftermath had a son who was also his grandson (ick.) named Moab, then another son, also his grandson (double ick.) who was Moab's half-brother AND first cousin (triple ick; or hat tr-ick.). This son is Ben-ammi, father of the people of Ammon. All the people of Ammon are in trouble with Yahweh at this point because of the double-twisting of following a fake copycat god Malcam, who is an imitation of the false god Molech, famous for people burning their babies to it as a sacrifice, which is itself a twisting of Yahweh's faith-testing of Abraham with Isaac (See Genesis 22:1-19). Yahweh hates this. Even still, in His unfathomable grace, after they will have suffered a severe spanking from On High, Yahweh will allow their fortunes to be restored.
So hear some good news: it means there is hope even for the hopeless.
Let's get rid of the Malcams in our life. |
Day 3 |  | (Originally posted Tuesday, December 2, 2014)
Jeremiah 49:7-11, 12-13, 14-22. "Edom And Edom-mer" or "What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You". See also Genesis 26:34-35; 28:8-9; 36:1-8. See also Obadiah 1-21. In studying Esau, there becomes apparent a palpable pattern of lacking wisdom, a tradition that carried down through to the end of the people of Edom. Such is the path ultimately for all who choose to live a life that grieves Yahweh.
Life is not a fairy tale, it doesn't follow a perfect, romanticized storybook script. We all get knocked down. Our success is not in the perfection of our circumstance, but in our recovery to our stance. Esau was knocked down by Rebekah and Jacob (see Genesis 27), yes, but his ultimate failure was in his lack of recovery. His failure was his own, it wasn't put upon him by anyone. And so also with us. Only Yahweh's Help can lead us properly to a recovery that brings glory to God. "Jesus" means "YahwehIsSalvation". And we who recover by His resurrection power will praise Him forevermore.
Don't be like these guys. Know Yahweh by knowing Jesus and join us, won't you? |
Day 4 | ******* CAUTION ******* ******* MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. ******* 
Link to video clip******* MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. ******* ******* CAUTION ******* | (Originally posted Wednesday, December 3, 2014)
******* CAUTION: MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. ******* Jeremiah 49:23-27 - "Demascus, De-mask Us". Demascus was a thriving metropolis, a central city of culture and government across many ages in the Ancient Near East. So attached to this hub of heritage (and hubris), many will not leave even in the face of impending and certain doom. Centers like Demascus, or Star City or Gotham City or wherever, are often set up by their leaders to be perceived as be-all/end-alls that will go on forever. For some people, this suffices as a substitute for Heaven, a mask. A mask which Yahweh WILL remove. In an unexpected way.
Listen, hope against hope isn't bad if you've put it all on Yahweh, BUT if He's the One with a beef against you... Well, it would be best to heed His gracious warning and...
Run. ******* CAUTION: MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. ******* |
Day 5 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Thursday, December 4, 2014)
Jeremiah 49:28-33 - "That's Funny, You're Such A Kedar. Life's Not About Being A Hazor Has-not. Funny." Their lives are spent roaming and gathering in the tribes of Kedar and Hazor, and ultimately, all for someone else to benefit. There was no way for them to stand their ground and prevent their fate. The text does not explain why they are scheduled to lose it all and live out their days in hiding, but perhaps that is for the benefit of we who still live. So many of us are going through our lives roaming and gathering and excluding the God of the universe--Yahweh is His name--from our lives. Perhaps their unhappily-ever-after finale is for us to observe and avoid. Like a "WRONG WAY" sign. |
Day 6 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Friday, December 5, 2014)
Jeremiah 49:34-39 - "Elam-entary Archery Education" or "No Arrows Fly Without Strings Attached". As we finish our chapter this week, we find the people of Elam in the same boat as all the other peoples there around Judah at the time of King Zedekiah; they were all in trouble with Yahweh. Their strength was in their corps of archers; they were exceptional bowmen. But even the best marksman can miss the mark when dealing with Yahweh. That's why we need Him all the time. Don't miss this: in order to be good enough for Yahweh, you must hit the bullseye EVERY TIME. We've all missed the mark, the literal meaning of the word translated "sin"... Except Jesus. His perfection is the only way anyone will be saved and go to heaven. |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, December 6, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 49:1-39 and REST in the wisdom thatOur God Yahweh can spread justice to the yeses, nos and maybes, And never forget He can especially make the big bad bullies cry like little babies. |