Week 43 |
Day 1 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Sunday, October 19, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 43:1-13 - "Illusions". In our chapter this week will see facades falling away. First, a revealing of what Yahweh's people really think about what Yahweh says through Jeremiah. Then, a revealing of what Johanan is actually made of as the people are relocated from the promised land to Egypt. And finally a revealing of the consequences to Egypt and to Yahweh's disobedient people as a result of all of this revelation. (Must watch video at least three times!) |
Day 2 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Monday, October 20, 2014)
Jeremiah 43:1-3 - "That CAN'T Be Right... Tell Us What We WANT To Hear!". In our reading today, we see how quickly these leaders of Yahweh's people forget the veracity of EVERYTHING that Jeremiah had said in the past and reject almost immediately what Yahweh has told them to do in this situation. This situation is not dissimilar from our own, when we share the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ (God's Own Son Provided Eternal Life) with people who desperately need Him or they're going to go to hell. We explain John 3:16 and Romans 5:8, how our God so LOVES them, and the almost immediate retort is "Where? Where is the love?" |
Day 3 |  | (Originally posted Tuesday, October 21, 2014)
Jeremiah 43:4-7 - "A Hero Turns Heel". Today we see how the former people's champion Johanan has turned and leads all the people into Egypt against the express command of Yahweh through Jeremiah. Whenever someone we've looked up to and entrusted at least emotionally betrays that trust, not only is it enraging, it's heartbreaking. Sometimes we just need a moment to process through the shock and adjust to the bitter disappointment that never quite goes away. |
Day 4 |  | (Originally posted Wednesday, October 22, 2014)
Jeremiah 43:8-9 - "How About A Magic Trick?". As we read today, it shouldn't be difficult to picture the people looking at Jeremiah like he's some kind of madman as he prepares this illustration.
Welcome to the Christian's world. |
Day 5 | ******* CAUTION ******* ******* MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. ******* 
Link to video clip******* MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. ******* ******* CAUTION ******* | (Originally posted Thursday, October 23, 2014)
*******CAUTION: MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY.******* (1/2) The Jeremiah Project, Week 43, day 5: Jeremiah 43:10-11 - "Yahweh's Pet T-Rex". In our reading today, we see how the stones Jeremiah hid in the sight of the people are like the people themselves, trying to hide from Babylon in Egypt. Yahweh's people are always under His protection when they OBEY Him. We rest in the shadow of His wings. If we reject His instructions, as the people did here in this chapter, there is truly nowhere to hide. *******CAUTION: MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY.******* | ******* CAUTION ******* ******* MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. *******
Link to video clip******* MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. ******* ******* CAUTION ******* | *******CAUTION: MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY.******
(2/2) Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, is Yahweh's "Pet T-Rex". Just as the people in the attached clip mistakenly try hiding in the believed safety of the vehicle and the outhouse, this remnant of Yahweh's people mistakenly tried hiding in the believed safety of Egypt. And some will live and some will die.
Should've just listened to and followed Yahweh. They should've just stood still.
Day 6 |  | (Originally posted Friday, October 24, 2014)
Jeremiah 43:12-13 - "Nebuchadnezzar The Flamethrower". As we finish our chapter this week, we learn the false gods, the idols of Egypt and the temples there dedicated to them will all be burned to the ground by Yahweh the one True God utilizing His "flamethrower", King Nebuchadnezzar. In our lives following Jesus, God does the same with us, in the sense that He "burns" away any idols we may hold that obstruct us from doing what He has told us to do. |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, October 25, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 43:1-13 and REST assured thatWhen knights and bishops try to rook God and men by flattery, force and fawns, And when queens are clearly made gods Yahweh shows even kings are His pawns. |