Week 40 |
Day 1 |  | (Originally posted Sunday, September 28, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 40:1-16 - "A Vindicated Prophet, A Cocky Conqueror, And A Puzzling Provisional Leader". In our readings this week, we'll get to see Jeremiah in a new and different situation, free to roam, advised by a possibly patronizing pagan Babylonian captain. And then the setting changes to give us the picture of what's going on in Mizpah, and we spend time with Gedaliah, this leader approved by Babylon to lead his beaten-down people under Babylonian rule. And we'll explore his costly blindspot. |
Day 2 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Monday, September 29, 2014)
Jeremiah 40:1-4 - "Hubba, Hubba, Hubba, Money, Money, Money, Who Do Ya Trust?". In verse 1, an introduction that will be returned to after the backstory that is begun in this chapter is completed. In verse 2 meet quite a character in this Babylonian captain, who while speaking the truth, he may be doing so with a mocking tone: He's probably gloating. This same character presents Jeremiah with an open world to explore, with many right ways to go. As he says, "Whatever..." For Jeremiah, as for we who follow Jesus called Christ, there is only one right Way.
So, who do ya trust? |
Day 3 |  | (Originally posted Tuesday, September 30, 2014)
Jeremiah 40:5-6 - "And That Has Made All The Difference". In reading our verses today, let's understand that Jeremiah is turning down a more comfortable and safe situation in order to be with his people and help them rebuild. Remember his name. |
Day 4 |  | (Originally posted Wednesday, October 1, 2014)
Jeremiah 40:7-10 - "Mr. Gedaliah Goes To Mizpah". As we read today, we'll see the remnants of Yahweh's people coming together at Mizpah around the earnest Gedaliah, whom Babylon had established as a governor of that land. His name means "GreatIsYahweh". He will speak for them to the Babylonians as they try to go back to some sort of normality in agriculture and daily living. |
Day 5 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Thursday, October 2, 2014)
Jeremiah 40:11-12 - "They All Came To Mizpah". In our two verses today, we see that not only did Yahweh's people that had been roaming in open lands gather around Gedaliah in Mizpah (which means "watch tower"), but once word reached other nations wherein others of Yahweh's people had been dispersed, they ALL pressed in together with a renewed hope. |
Day 6 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Friday, October 3, 2014)
Jeremiah 40:13-16 - "A False Friend". In finishing the chapter this week, we're left with a sort of cliffhanger, as we don't know the people who are speaking or the man Ishmael of whom is being spoken. The most likely scenario is Ishmael made fast friends with Gedaliah, to the point that Gedaliah would not or could not entertain the possibility that Ishmael could do such a thing. This is one of a few possibilities. The one certainty we can glean from the text is Gedaliah believes Ishmael is not out to get him. |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, October 4, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 40:1-16 and REST in the understanding thatFull reliance on Yahweh's guidance will save us from trust to trust; For misstep in judgment can take us from dust to dust. |