Week 35 |
Day 1 | ******* CAUTION ******* ******* MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. *******

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******* MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. ******* ******* CAUTION ******* | ******* CAUTION: MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. *******(Originally posted Sunday, August 24, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 35:1-19 - "To Drink Or Not To Drink, That Is NOT The Question!" or "Sober Realization". As we drink this week's chapter, let's not miss the main point by thinking it's about drinking or abstaining from wine. It IS about doing what our God Yahweh has spoken to us. And the benefits of obedience. ******* CAUTION: MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. ******* |
Day 2 |  | (Originally posted Monday, August 25, 2014)
Jeremiah 35:1-2 - "Yahweh Uncorks An Illustration". As we read today, let's realize that Yahweh is setting the stage for a scene to really drive home (again) a point to His people. We know this because He is having His man J provide wine for people that He KNOWS they will decline because they don't drink wine. Try to hear Him saying to His people then as He still says to His people now, "Let me show you something." |
Day 3 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Tuesday, August 26, 2014)
Jeremiah 35:3-5 - "The Battle Of Wits Has Begun". Let's see today in our reading as Jeremiah does what Yahweh told him to do that they are situated in a room adjacent to the officials. This illustration and word from Yahweh that follows is for them to at least hear, and perhaps to see.
Now, is there anything Yahweh is orchestrating for YOU to consider? |
Day 4 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Wednesday, August 27, 2014)
Jeremiah 35:6-11 - "This Is The Key To The Future". In reading our portion today, let's be mindful that the greatest inheritance we will ever leave our children is everything that Yahweh showed us in our life. A God-honoring heritage that brings Him glory and gives love to any and all that will receive it is unbeatable. Give your kids more than the world; give them the best opportunity for heaven to take hold of them with both of Jesus' nail-scarred hands and never let them go.
What Yahweh has shown us, this is the key to the future. |
Day 5 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Thursday, August 28, 2014)
Jeremiah 35:12-16 - "Yahweh Corks The Bottle". Today we get to see in our reading the point Yahweh has been building up to in this chapter. As people that belong to Him, we often behave as children, ignorant of what He is trying to accomplish in us and through us; we feel like we know better than our Father (ESPECIALLY in our teens!). Let's take this lesson our God is showing us through these descendants of Rechab into our heart and do as He is telling us. In the end, it's really for our own good. |
Day 6 |  | (Originally posted Friday, August 29, 2014)
Jeremiah 35:17, 18-19. "Choose Your Own Adventure". Closing out the chapter this week, we read about two possibilities from Yahweh.
One possibility we see in verse 17 is to ignore our God Yahweh when He's speaking to us, to our own peril. The other possibility is to follow the example Yahweh highlights here in the Rechabites, and follow the standards to which our God-honoring ancestors adhered. If we'll attend to Him, He will attend to our legacies. |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, August 30, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 35:1-19 and REST in the assurance thatIf good living can be inspired by the Living Word memorialized, How much more can right living be made possible by the Living Writing memorized. |