Week 29 |
Day 1 |  | (Originally posted Sunday, July 13, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 29:1-32 - "Settling In To Yahweh's Plans". This week's reading will give us a reminder of our point of reference, a recollection that we all are parts of the masterpiece of God's master plan, which from our limited vantage points only appear to be a puzzle piece at times. |
Day 2 |  | (Originally posted Monday, July 14, 2014)
Jeremiah 29:1-9, 10-14 - "Someday We'll Be Together". Contained in today's readings is the most quoted verse in the entire book of Jeremiah. As we read today, there may be some who read it in its context for the first time. Be mindful as you read that our God Yahweh's greatest masterpieces are designed to be discovered in their subtleties. He knows His plans, and He gets that His obedient people that went into exile are confused and disparaged, because they were PROMISED the promised land, and now they've been taken away. They are very tempted by every false prophet that tells them they won't be long in Babylon, but Jeremiah knows it will be a two- to four-generation fact of life for His people. They need to settle in and carry on, because as His remnant, they are all that remain. And Yahweh will keep His promises. |
Day 3 |  | (Originally posted Tuesday, July 15, 2014)
Jeremiah 29:15-20 - "Just Because The Other Side Seems Greener Doesn't Mean It's Grass!". In today's reading, Jeremiah follows up the promises Yahweh made with a rebuttal to the talk going around about prophets in Babylon and a reiteration of why being obedient and suffering the exile is favorable to following the sweet words flowing from the mouths of the false prophets. So also in our lives following Jesus, maybe we're not crazy about our current situation, but if we are where God wants us to be, that is THE best place to be. Trust Him. |
Day 4 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Wednesday, July 16, 2014)
Jeremiah 29:21-23 - "Accursed Names". Cain. Judas. Benedict Arnold. 'Et tu, Brute?' The betrayals of some are so heinous and damaging that just the invocation of their name brings an entire downshift in mood with it. Such is the case with these particular false prophets we read about in today's portion. Let's pray that our names bring with them an upshift toward Jesus our Savior. |
Day 5 | 
| (Originally posted Thursday, July 17, 2014)
Jeremiah 29:24-28 - "Oh Me-uh, Oh My-uh, Poor 'Ol Shemaiah; Libel Yahweh's Servant, Liable To Be In Big Trub-yuh". Our reading today tells us of yet another false prophet, one Shemaiah, trying to undermine Jeremiah, by way of letter, in spite of the fact that prophecies Jeremiah spoke are coming to pass as they speak! As we correspond in our day-to-day lives, let's be sure to use the symbols our God Yahweh has given us lest our letters become to us a sentence. |
Day 6 |  | (Originally posted Friday, July 18, 2014)
Jeremiah 29:29-32 - " 'Dear Shemaiah...' Yep. Poor 'Ol Shemaiah". Providence. God's providence. "Shemaiah" means "Yah[weh]Hears". As we close out chapter 29 today, notice He not only heard Shemaiah, but He pronounced through Jeremiah the end of his figurative letter. Sadly, the EKKLAYSIA, the CalledOut, the church, that is, the people who belong to Jesus, still to this day have to wrestle with folks like Shemaiah. We must discern words spoken through the filter of God's written word, the Bible. Where His word says, "Come in," they'll tell us to stay out. Where His word says, "Go out," they'll tell us to stay in. He says, "Stand," and they'll say "Sit." He says, "Sit," and they'll say "Stand." And on and on... And speaking of providence, "Amerigo" means "RulerOfTheHome".
Whatever THAT means. |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, July 19, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 29:1-32 and REST in the noting thatThough at times we must wage war in what we correspond, God can use e'en these trench' to deep'n with us His bond. |