Week 22 |
Day 1 |  | (Originally posted Sunday, May 25, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 22:1-30 - "Crossing Lines". As our eyes cross over the words we read this week, let us bear in mind at all times that Yahweh is the God, not us. He authors, He sets the boundaries, He creates, He defines and He establishes. The wise read, observe, notice, comprehend and enjoy.
Please enjoy. |
Day 2 | 
 | (Originally posted Monday, May 26, 2014)
Jeremiah 22:1-7 - "Crossing Signals" or "Holy Killer Stereo, Batman!". As we read today's passage, there should be a familiarity, because it's the same message Jeremiah gave the messengers in the last chapter, which we read last week. So Yahweh is sending His message in stereo surround sound to us. Notice especially the phrase "set apart" or maybe "prepare" in verse 7. It's from the same root as the word "holy". |
Day 3 | 
 | (Originally posted Tuesday, May 27, 2014)
Jeremiah 22:8-9 - "Crossing The Rubicon". Jesus said "Many are called, but few are chosen." As we read today's portion, let's know that if Yahweh chooses us, we are responsible to be His example to the world. And if His chosen choose not to be His example to the world, He will make them an example to the world. He will be represented or He will represent. |
Day 4 | 
 | (Originally posted Wednesday, May 28, 2014)
Jeremiah 22:10-12 - "Crossing The Cheek, NOT Crossing The Reins". Today's reading tells us about the fate of Good King Josiah's son and successor, the Wicked King Jehoahaz. See also 2 Kings 23:28-34. Our verses in Jeremiah today occur between verses 33 and 34 of the 2 Kings passage. Jeremiah starting at this point and to the end of chapter 22 is taking a stroll down memory lane to recall what has happened to these wicked kings in their at-that-time recent history. It is significant to note he refers to Jehoahaz by the name his father the good king gave him, Shallum, and not Jehoahaz, which means "Yah[weh]HasGrasped". Also significant when we read the 2 Kings passage, it says THE PEOPLE made him king. Yahweh HAD NOT grasped, but they tried to talk themselves into it: Jehoahaz. It's as if they put themselves in the place of God, and really, that is the root of all problems.
If we put ourselves in the First Place, that place that is rightfully Yahweh God's in our lives, He will give us a reason to cry. Mark it down. |
Day 5 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Thursday, May 29, 2014)
Jeremiah 22:13-17, 18-23. "Crossing The Reigns" or "Crossing The Puppet's Strings". See also 2 Kings 23:34--24:6. As we read our portions today, verses 13-17 bridge the wicked king Shallum, called Jehoahaz, and the wicked king Jehoiakim by this passage of what not to do as king. The Egyptians took down Jehoahaz and installed his older brother, Eliakim--who was probably incompetent--as king of Judah. His name change from "Eliakim" to "Jehoiakim" in our ears sounds like "GodSetsUp" to "Yah[weh]RaisesUp", thus naming Yahweh specifically, possibly to impugn His name when they impose the tribute on this puppet king that he will in turn exact from his people. Do you see what's happening? The king should take UP for the poor, but not this one; he takes FROM them to pay off Egypt. Too bad there's not a modern-day example of this going on; it would be quite instructive. |
Day 6 |  | (Originally posted Friday, May 30, 2014)
Jeremiah 22:24-30 - "Crossing The Lineages". See also 2 Kings 24:6-17. We read today about the wicked and pretty much worthless king Jehoiachin AKA Coniah AKA Jeconiah. This PASSAGE, however, is quite significant, being a nexus point of a few scriptures, and demonstrating how our God Yahweh works out His plans in unexpected ways. By his wickedness, Coniah creates a hurdle to Yahweh's plan because of the promise He made King David in 2 Samuel 7. Especially if we juxtapose this with his being mentioned in the lineage from Abraham to Jesus in Matthew 1:11. Remember that Matthew's audience is primarily the Jews and so is emphasizing Jesus' direct connection to Father-of-them-all Abraham. But when we cross reference the lineage in Luke 3:27-31 we see how Yahweh circumvented Jeconiah and still kept His promise to King David. |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, May 31, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 22:1-30 and REST considering:Whether crossing the world, the face, the arms or the award, CrosSing a song of Jesus our glorious Crossing Guard. |