Week 4 |
Day 1 |  | (Originally posted Sunday, January 19, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 4:1-31 - "Curtains". As we go through another challenging week of reading in Jeremiah 4, we will explore why it is never a good idea to ask Yahweh, "Or else what?" In response to any directive He gives, as if the consequences for disobedience might somehow be bearable. This week, let's learn from the mistakes of others. |
Day 2 |  | (Originally posted Monday, January 20, 2014)
Jeremiah 4:1-2, 3-4 - "Cut It Out, MEN." In today's portions, we read Yahweh qualifying the confession of faith we read at the end of chapter 3 last week. If His people mean what they said there and keep no god but THE God, Yahweh, then others will be blessed. In verses 3 and 4 He intentionally uses the word "men" first... Sorry ladies. Men are supposed to be leading and are ultimately held accountable EVEN IF they have abdicated their position in church, in family, in home. The two pictures God gives in explaining further His exclusivity are aimed right at men. Men plowed and men were circumcised. Moses' wife did the circumcision in their family, but it was not to his credit, but to his shame. Let's cut it out, MEN. Let's lead--or else... |
Day 3 |  | (Originally posted Tuesday, January 21, 2014)
Jeremiah 4:5-8, 9, 10 - "He Told You So". The readings today, oh, the readings today are hard. Many of us are accustomed to having parents that threaten consequences but never follow through, so it is difficult when we encounter our Heavenly Father Yahweh telling us the consequences and then doing what He said He was going to do. In His mercy, He gives a last warning to clear out in verses 5 through 8 because the invasion from the north is coming. In verse 9, the leadership of the people is incredulous, apparently believing that He wouldn't actually allow it, though He said it was coming (review Jeremiah 1:13-16). Verses 9 and 10 are the prime examples for us to study in our time. If we continue sharing only the rewards and not the penalties that Yahweh sets before us, shame on us, for our congregations will be saying exactly what we read in verse 10, because so many either do not know or will not believe that God has said hard sayings. Now memorize John 3:18 and Revelation 20:15. |
Day 4 |  | (Originally posted Wednesday, January 22, 2014)
Jeremiah 4:11, 12-18 - "Actually, this is as real as it gets." Passages like our reading today demonstrate why many people, even purportedly Christian people, don't read the Bible: it's not romantic. At all. Yahweh is not some dashing prince swooping in to save His princess. He is THE God of the universe, who here is the BRINGER of the calamity as a consequence of her evil. And He's not vague about why He's bringing it, either. This is no rom-com; this is as real as it gets. |
Day 5
(Originally posted Thursday, January 23, 2014)
(1/2) Jeremiah 4:19-22, 23-26 - "Mourning And Not Just Four Looks". I once saw a pet owner who had been walking her little doggie on the sidewalk by a busy street, but then the pooch somehow got unleashed and ran out into the street amongst the cars. All the owner could do was try to call her doggie back to the sidewalk, but with no success. All she could do when her little dog was run over was pirouette with her arms in air and cry out. That's the position of Jeremiah and possibly Yahweh in verses 19 through 22 over the foolishness of His people.
(2/2) So devastating is the invasion, that Jeremiah has to do a QUADRUPLE-TAKE in verses 23 through 26. "formless and empty" in verse 23 calls back to Genesis 1:2 while no people and no birds recalls the aftermath of the Great Flood. Bottom line: Yahweh has no problem rebooting a system should it become corrupted beyond repair. Look for yourself.
Day 6 |  | (Originally posted Friday, January 24, 2014)
Jeremiah 4:27-31 - "Where does he think he's going?". Today's reading actually reminded me of a scene from "Jurassic Park" in which the lawyer tries to escape from the T-Rex by hiding in the bathroom. Many people automatically associate God with the T-Rex, but that's actually Babylon in this analogy. God here is like life in the film. Do you remember the line? "Life... finds a way." He can acquaint us with pains like we've never known. It's best to just trust Him and obey. |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, January 25, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 4:1-31 and REST in the truth that Yahweh God loves us so much He lets us see behind the curtain, showing us we can take Him at His word, for better and for worse. |