Enarmored With God

May 2000

Christian, are we loving God? Are we shining the light of Christ into a dark world? Are we fighting spiritually tooth and nail for the sake of souls that are on their way to an eternal and fiery hell? Are we fully armored spiritually and truly ready for the attacks that keep coming from Satan and his demons?

Attach the visor of discernment to your helmet of salvation that you may see what is of God and what is of our adversary.

Having on the breastplate of righteousness, put on also the shoulderpads of patience and endurance that your yoke may remain easy, and your burden light.

Being girded about with truth, put on also the codpiece of purity, that you may withstand attacks that are below the belt.

Having on the crosstrainers of the preparation of the gospel of peace, put on also the kneepad of petition and the kneepad of prayer, so that you always remember to ask our heavenly Father in Jesus' Name about your next step.

Be sure to put on your left hand the gauntlet of steadfastness as you take up your shield of faith; and above ALL, put the gauntlet of love on your right hand as you take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

After all, let us mount up with the wings of hope, the hope of glory, which is Christ in us, as we spiritually advance with great haste, all for His glory. Come quickly, Lord Jesus, Come.

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