Crosstrainers, February 15, 2009

Courage Under Fire

Today, our 2009 Initiative "365 Holy Days" brings us to Presidents' Day. Presidents' Day began simply as a national remembrance of George Washington's birthday, which was February 22nd; Abraham Lincoln was added as an honoree later, his birthday being February 12th; other presidents were also added as honorees on this day, the 16th of February, but Washington and Lincoln are usually the two most widely recognized.


What's so great about George & Abe anyway?

In teams of 3 or 4, discuss and share what made these two presidents such great presidents.

Exercise: Are we there yet? In groups, wrestle rhetorically with when the United States was actually born, and when Emancipation was actually achieved. Share conclusions with the other groups.

Lesson: Sinvasion! Winning the war over the enemy from which we seek to break away (Like Washington over British Empire) (bringing it home: winning the war over sin) (RM10.9; MK16.16) (Check this song out! Psonic Alm 20 - An Army of 1)

Infleshtation! Winning the war over the enemy within (Like Lincoln over the Confederacy) (bringing it home: winning the war with the flesh) (RM6; special focus => 7.14-25; 1R9.27; 1R10.13)

Life application: This life is entirely a spiritual war! Each day a new skirmish, a new theatre, casualties (ref. The Armor of God (EF6.10-20)) (Check this article out! "Enarmored With God")

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