To Whom Are You Tethered?

In a recently published magazine article, a story is told of a very young man who took a job as a window washer. In his inexperience, he tethered himself to the scaffold upon which he stood rather than the building which stood on its own. The scaffold failed and the young man fell fifty feet to his death. The young man's skull was so broken that the paramedics on the scene didn't even attempt to revive him.

The young man's story is a cautionary tale. Many lessons can be gleaned from it, and I encourage you to study, think, reflect upon and apply what you've learned from this story to your own life for your own benefit; I will expound only on the spiritual aspect.

The building in this story is like God, the Source of salvation; the scaffold like the world. The young window washer could be you and me, his tether our faith unfurled.

To whom are you tethered? We have promises from Almighty God that this world will pass away, and all that is tied to it, and all that are tied to it. We have promises from Almighty God that we can go on after the world's passing if we are tethered to Him.

To whom are you tethered? Are you tethered to the world, which is here today and gone tomorrow? Or are you tethered to the Lord God Almighty? It is He who steps out from eternity to meet us "In the beginning..." (Genesis 1:1; John 1:1), who is the First and the Last, who is never future nor past, but ever-present; the Ever-Present.

As you take stock of your life, as you inventory each item, issue and inquiry, hold them up to the light of "I AM" and let Him show you the answers.

To whom are you tethered? So long as the moment is called "right now", let it be the Lord Jesus Christ.

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