The Status Quotes
March 2011

March 1, 2011
"Artists consciously create illusions,
Subconscious allusions to the Artist who created them;
Unconsciously, we are all artists."

-Art B. Enmayde
March 2, 2011
"Hang on, world! I've got a meeting with my Dad first thing, then I'll be right with you! : )"

-Dee Vosha Nall
March 3, 2011
"What happens in eVille does not stay in eVille,
And a web's purpose is to capture prey."

-Tex Apport
March 4, 2011
"The True Love rewards the faithfulness of the faithful;
The Faithful One blesses the patience of the patient."

-Wade N. Anweiden
March 5, 2011
"The greatest victories are won suddenly in moments when all seems lost."

-Fromm Duffy Tsidjahz
March 6, 2011
"Those who obscure the True Love by making His days their own will find themselves obscured,
For even donkeys have more sense!
It's not too late; turn back now."

-Dawn Keyes-Wizer
March 7, 2011
"How much greater the love story when one grasps the reality
That the world as a ship is not the Love Boat, it's Titanic.
Get in the Lifeboat."

-Abel C. Fairer
March 8, 2011
"Designed to give worship, we make idols of silver and gold, wood, stone and stubble;
Of water, wind, fire and earth, of ideas and dreams, of hopes and fears,
Of princes and paupers, even ourselves;
The True Love is faithful to destroy all our idols until all that remains is us and Him.
As He has promised, so will He perform."

-Godfrey Lee Karasphorus
March 9, 2011
"When the weight of the world seems on your shoulders, and your bridges seem broken,
Remember the One Faithful and True Love on Whom the world's weight really rests
And by Whom the great bridge is built;
Either in feast or famine, we can do all things through Him who strengthens us."

-Owenlee G. Zuskandwit
March 10, 2011
"My block rocks!
I live by Faith,
She's a great neighbor, always reminding me of the good times, and how we got through the bad;
Hope lives up the road,
Always reminding me why we keep going!
Yep, I love living between Faith and Hope. ; )"

-Lucan Evan Ward
March 11, 2011
"January, Australia,
February, New Zealand,
March, The Pacific;
April or sooner, are we ready for the wrath of God?"

-Cal Amity
March 12, 2011
"Living out fairy tales is hazardous to those who are not fairies;
While there is yet time, caution advised lest some fall on their tale.
The True Love writes the True Story leading to 'happily ever after';
Living out His Story is beneficial to those who are true."

-Rielle Diehl
March 13, 2011
"The True Love does not look like everyone else, does not fit in,
For He has seven eyes by which He sees beyond the far horizon."

-I. O. Penner

Ruth 1:16
1 Corinthians 11:1

Always in Christ's Love, : )
March 14, 2011
"Thousands of voices
Fall silent at winter's end
The rocks will cry out"

-Joy B. Kazama-Christian

Habakkuk 2:11
Luke 19:40


:' (
March 15, 2011
"In the end, we're all surfers at the mercy of the Wave."

-O. Sean Ryder

Psalm 77:19
Luke 8:24-25

Always in Christ's Love, : )
March 16, 2011
"As she lay on her deathbed dying in the silent living room,
The ticking of the clock on the wall was a deafening reminder
That each remaining moment was a blessed gift."

-N. Amayin Aki

Ruth 3:16
John 3:16

Always in Christ's Love, :' )
March 17, 2011
"Father in heaven, You rule the day and the NITE:

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
To rule and rein in the nighthorses,
Even to measure and reign in my

By the power of Your Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name, amen."

-Fora Gudnyt
March 18, 2011
"The True Love firmly, lovingly and fervently invites us to go His way,
But with continued, sustained and ongoing resistance,
Will silently yield and create distance;
This silence of the True Love is the calm before all hell breaks loose."

-Terry Fayed-Baihem

Genesis 6:3
Revelation 8:1

March 19, 2011
"The True Love blesses the truly blessed with stress, suffering and pain
That they may in turn give psonic alms for the sake of the soundly impoverished."

-Ebony Keyes
March 20, 2011
"The great songs of triumph stem from the greatest pains,
Like 'Amazing Grace' from Jesus' bloody face;
And so the superlative score surely swirls within,
For nothing in the universe can take this pain away:

Ahallelecha Yahweh Rophe
Ahallelecha Yahweh Yireh
Ahallelecha Yahweh Elohim
Ahallelecha Yeshua ha Meshiah
Yigdal Yahweh hechaphets shalom evdo
Poieis panta horaios"

-Joy Fulhart-Burstyn
March 21, 2011
"O True Love,
Your way is the best way;
Remind us we can trust You with this,
Even when Your plan doesn't mesh with our own,
Help us relinquish control;
Even when Your paved path doesn't go where we want it to,
Help us to go on it anyway,
To live for You."

-Mayer Wilby Dunn
March 22, 2011
"Behold the bee, O distressed and downtrodden, and let go of your worries and fears;
For even the bee testifies by beeswax in its short life
And its life-bringing and sweet work to the powerful pattern of
The Quarternary Quintessential Hexagon."

-C. Saenz
March 23, 2011
"Because the boy needs help:
Strong is the man who by the True Love goes it alone,
And stronger is he when his wife by the True Love is his helper."

-Amanda Calmaione

Genesis 2:18
Ephesians 5:25-27

Always in Christ's Love,
March 24, 2011
"If the True Love can love a trickster like Jacob,

Who deceived his father,
Who stole from his brother,
Who ran away to save his own skin,
Who was inappropriate with the girl he loved,
Who married the girl he didn't,
Who manipulated his father-in-law's resources,
Who deceived and fled from his father-in-law,

Then the True Love can love you, too. Let Him."

-Hugh R. Luft

Genesis 27-31
Romans 5:8

March 25, 2011
"For each moment I praise my God and
.....King, He gives me
A moment more to sing; and so
I will praise Him forevermore, in
Tahlim, I will praise
Him forevermore."

-Holly Luya

2 Kings 6:17
Hebrews 11:6

Always in Christ's Love, : )
March 26, 2011
"In trying to deny our deepest dreams and heartfelt hopes which the True Love has planted in us,
We smother them with seemingly sound and solid foundations on which to build something else,
Until the True Love breaks through."

-Hugh Dewey Lovemore

Ecclesiastes 3:11
Matthew 15:13

March 27, 2011
"The kangaroo brings joy to those who watch her jump, leap and bound;
The joeys revel with the flyer in the hop of glory:
The True Love smiles."

-Faith Leeper

Judges 5:3
Ephesians 5:19-20

AiCL, : )
March 28, 2011
"The True Love calls to His Beloved, as deep calls to deep;
And that she would step back from the ledge of the world's reality,
And step instead into the AltarNet Reality,
According to her faith."

-Collin Louden Cleerley

Joshua 3:13
1 Corinthians 2:4-5

March 29, 2011
"It wasn't until I got everything I thought I wanted that I realized all I really wanted was that which I needed:

The True Love heals,
The True Love provides,
The True Love rules,
The True Love helps;
The True Love makes everything beautiful."

-Ai Ni Dyu

Numbers 20:11
1 Corinthians 10:4

AiCL, : )
March 30, 2011
"Turn back now and yield to the True Love's timing and plan or suffer the knowledge
That something great is being obtained at the expense of something greater."

-Emmatra Stenninham

Proverbs 20:21
1 Corinthians 3:19

March 31, 2011
"The air that the living breathe is the Wind of the True Love,
His set-apart presence in us, setting us apart, living in us:
True love, I'm desperate for you."

-Ima Kneaden-Eyre

Genesis 1:2
John 3:8

