The Status Quotes
February 2011

February 1, 2011
"Lost people aren't lost because God doesn't know where they are.
GOSPEL=God's Own Son Provided Eternal Life;
Believe it, receive Him and be lost no more."

-B. Sei Vetudei
February 2, 2011
"Sometimes the darkness is not a valley at all,
But instead the dark room created when clasped firmly in the hollows of God's hands,
To develop us fully into the brilliant, radiant photos of His glory He intends us to be."

-Paul Mocupent
February 3, 2011
"How great and terrible for an eaglet learning to fly:
Great when flying safe in Mum's talon, then terrible when let go.
And then there is flight."

-M. T. Nestor
February 4, 2011
"When God breathes a sigh of grief, take cover."

-Gail Force
February 5, 2011
"If God is trying to get your attention,
How much are you prepared to lose
Before you'll be still and listen?"

-Ollie Yeers
February 6, 2011
"As she passed, God parted a sea of tears when He received her into His loving arms."

-Holly Luya
February 7, 2011
"In Spanish, 'sin' means 'without'; don't be without Jesus anymore, 'Go and sin no more'."

-Hope N. Thesaivyer
February 8, 2011
"In gazing at a sky filled with stars, I'm grateful that He who created those stars, seemingly as a 'btw', is always with me: He is my daily Bread."

-Gladys Noingham

Genesis 1:16
Revelation 22:16

Always in Christ's Love, : )
February 9, 2011
"The True Love bears all things, including the painful and the disappointing."

-Hugh R. Luft

Proverbs 16:32
St. James 1:21

AiCL, : )
February 10, 2011
"Revenge is a dish best served not at all."

-Barry D. Hatchett
February 11, 2011
"Faith is love in thought,
And hope is love in heart;
The True Love is faith and hope in action.
This is why the three abide but the greatest is love."

-Christian Walker
February 12, 2011
"My Father in heaven is helping me see
When I'm helping others, I'm helping me,
And making the world a better place
By shining the True Love's light to every face."

-Jaime Aihel-Pyu
February 13, 2011
"As in tennis, so in life:
The best vantage point to see and understand both sides
Of every point, game, set and match
Is from the higher ground at the net."

-Wei-Yapu Hiyar
February 14, 2011
"The True Love loves us with a pure and extravagant love,
Enables us to love others gracefully,
And empowers us to love our one with more pure passion than we ever could without Him."

-Wonchu Bimai-Valentine
February 15, 2011
"The word 'mean' is synonymous with 'average'; today and forward I will seek to be above mean."

-Greta Izzy Thetsenmi
February 16, 2011
"The True Love is a Surgeon, wielding pain like a scalpel, to somehow cause healing;
The Faithful One is an Artist, wielding suffering like a paintbrush, to somehow cause beauty."

-B. N. Hurt
February 17, 2011
"What the True Love gives cannot be removed;
What the Faithful One takes cannot be retrieved."

-Lawson Founmore
February 18, 2011
"He who is able to do more than we ask or can even imagine proves His ability when we ask and imagine."

-Tayston Sythillor Dyzgud
February 19, 2011
"More grapeful with each passing shear."

-N. Devine
February 20, 2011
"Stumbling toward glory, each step a miracle
Fumbling through stories beyond the empirical
Humbling to foray into the illyrical;
Jesus makes the impossible possible." 

-Joaquin Daly-Wytham
February 21, 2011
"Patience waits 'till the waiting is done,
Properly waits upon the setting Son,
Quietly waits 'til time to move,
Pray'rfully waits 'til time to move on."

-Wade N. Tildon
February 22, 2011
"The Faithful Friend, in the Spirit of Friendship,
Will help us out in our times of need, of this we have no doubt."

-Holly Luya
February 23, 2011
"The True Friend is the Lion whose roar paralyzes in order to keep us off the wrong road."

-Abel Warner
February 24, 2011
"The Tried and True Love hides
The extraordinary within the ordinary
And the meaningful within the menial:
The gleam on the Cube."

-Reece Plendant-Withen
February 25, 2011
"Father in heaven, You are holy;
Please help me breathe Your breath when mine is taken away,
That I may speak Your speech and do Your deeds as You perform what You have promised;
By the power of Your Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name, amen."

-Ima Kneaden-Eyre
February 26, 2011
"True graciousness is the True Love's 'grace-in-us'-ness!"

-N. Grace Daly
February 27, 2011
"There is power in numbers,
Yet there is more power in one who is alone with the True and Faithful Love."

-T. Lourdes Mai Shepherd
February 28, 2011
"One nation's champion was felled and another's hero was established with a stone's throw,
And as if from a bullroarer,
The world was put on notice.
Victory and discouragement are always one accurate, cool, calm and collected stone's throw away."

-Baiastonan S. Ling
February 29
(for leap years)
"The best fishing on any of the True Love's seas is found out in the deep waters;
The greatest catches are found out past the shallows."

-Abel Fisher
