The Status Quotes
November 2010

November 1, 2010
"Jesus is the cloud-pillar leading christians by day,
And the fire-pillar leading them by night."

-Ware Avery Leeds
November 2, 2010
"'Petition to God' is usually what comes to mind when considering prayer, but it's so much more: recognition of God, thanksgiving to Him, praise of Him, confession of sins to Him and surrender to Him."

-Anh Mai Neece
November 3, 2010
"Father in heaven,

Way up here,
Lest I forget,
I thank U;
You're the Voice,
My Hope,
I adore You,
I give myself away to You;
O come Immanuel,

In Your name, Jesus, amen."

-Aisa Renda Rall
November 4, 2010
"'The shadowlands are what I know, so I'm hanging onto God's every word,
For this is not a dream that I'm living, this is just a world of His own;
He took me from all that I knew, showed me how it feels to hope;
with Him with me facing tomorrow together I learn to fly,
He walks with me through the cloud into the Son.'

-Jax Frenz"

-Frieda B. Bound

November 5, 2010
"If God has expressed He's going to do something, don't go try to make it happen or prevent it."

-Wade N. Anweiden
Saturday, November 6, 2010
"Father in heaven,
Help me receive Your discipline with joy,
That I may know the joy of Your discipline to help others;
By the power of Your Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name, amen."

-Mayer Wilby Dunn
November 7, 2010
"All I have is nothing, that Christ may create in me."

-X. Nihilo
November 8, 2010
"Watch and wait on God in the pitch, you'll catch His vision."

-Zach Flaiwyns Pennant
November 9, 2010
"Plowed and planted like a rose trampled on the ground because I'm dead to the world--
But the Son's rise is on my horizon."

-Dan Bunnaw Dowt
November 10, 2010
"My hope

Is a lyre upon which my songs

In me

There is faith to sing harmony;

All around me


For the love of God."

-N. Amayin Aki
November 11, 2010
"A blade freshly shorn
Sting for now will yield to spring
Rains on a cool morn"

-Liv N. Grassley
November 12, 2020
"Even mundane and orinary tasks are marvelous and extraordinary when God leads you to do them."

-Finney Shenwell
November 13, 2010
"God chooses those He knows will choose Him;
They lead others to Him, in Him, through Him."

-Thad Thiwurl Maynough
November 14, 2010

"With my Guide leading me,
I will walk in the light as He is in the light;
I will let my light shine to the ends of the earth;
I will shine like the lighthouse:
I am Lighthouse."

-Ada Powers
November 15, 2010
"The shine and warmth of a campfire, when stoked, shines brighter and radiates warmer still."

-Dylan Wytha Polks
November 16, 2010
"Subvert subversion or surrender surrender."

-Liv R. Parrish
November 17, 2010
"If at first you don't get an answer, pray, pray again."

-Preyunsi Singh-Lee

November 18, 2010
"With my Guide leading me,
I will soar on wings like the eagle, using my gifts and talons to fight the good fight;
I will stand watch through the night like the owl, until the rising of the sun as a bird of prayer;
I will persevere like the raven and swoop in like the hawk:
Yo soy Halcon de Cuervo (I am Ravenhawk)."

-Pedro Guerrero Delacruz
November 19, 2010
"The more the Wind blue, the more I red;
The more I red, the more the Wind blue."

-Hyacinth Violet Rose
November 20, 2010
"With my Guide leading me,
I will be strong and courageous, and wait for Him in leading others to Him;
I will be still and know He is Guide, and wait for Him in showing others His Way;
I will pulse like the beacon light:
I am Beaconlight."

-Daniel Cross
November 21, 2010
"Cast your cares on Yahweh Thameksmibedah;
Give your worries and fears to the God-who-makes-a-difference."

-Warren D. Evans
November 22, 2010
"God makes possible the impossible to reinforce in us the idea
That we really can go to His heaven and be with Him there forever."

-Owenlee G. Zuskandwit
November 23, 2010
"Our God loves us so much He grinds us into a fine powder,
That we may go through the eye of a needle."

-Rich & Emma Terry Elways
November 24, 2010
"As in writing, so in life:
There is nothing more powerful than the three Points that make one Point..."

-E. Lipsis
November 25, 2010
"The difference between that which can be imagined and that which is unimaginable is as striking a bullseye with a rainbow and arrow."

-Evan Lee Archer
November 26, 2010
"Drink from the spring of Yahweh Rephreshaz;
Drink deeply of the living water of God-who-overflows."

-Neva Thurston-Agehn
November 27, 2010
"By the sweat of His brow, the impossible is possible."

-O. Howie Lufzuss

Genesis 29:20
Revelation 21:9

AiCL, : )
November 28, 2010
"And I saw a blue horse, perfect like the sky on a clear day;
And His mane and tail and the stripes on His back were red like the sky at dawn;
And His eyes were warm and flaming and purple, like nothing I've ever seen before;
This is the Dawn Key."

-B. Hoover

Psalm 19:1
Hebrews 10:20

AiCL, : )
November 29, 2010
"Yesterday's chaos can become today's chorus."

-Dan Thiraud

Psalm 22
Matthew 27:46
November 30, 2010
"God, people, stories then stuff,
Priorities properly placed,
Do inform the steward when 'It is enough,'
And instruct on the proper embrace."

-Trey Zhurzin Evan
