The Status Quotes
October 2010

October 1, 2010
"The blue and the purple and the red,
A symphony of colors painted on the western sky,
Of the broken and the bruised and the bloody,
Jesus our Savior's face they do testify,
That hideous beauty of His omnipotent surrender
By which His name I will ever glorify
Now that He is risen; won't you join us?"

-Art B. Enmayde
October 2, 2010
"Quiet time with God yields silent strength from Him."

-Dee Vosha-Nall
October 3, 2010
"In the wind, quake and fire
God in passing by does bring,
Trains His overpassed to hear
When He speaks in the nothing."

-Pei Ying-Na Tan-Shin
October 4, 2010
"Father in heaven,
Thank You for hardships, trials, tribulation and pain;
For gray skies, dark clouds and heavy rain;
For making us better when You're done
Than when with us You had begun;
By the power of Your Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name, amen."

-Mayer Wilby Dunn
October 5, 2010
"Loss makes gain greater."

-Les S. Moore
October 6, 2010
"While pursuing God's will
Should any speak ill
I'll receive it well
For in the end, 'Dani El'."

-Grace A. Bounds
October 7, 2010
"Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun onto the earth,
So also faithful true christians reflect the light of Jesus into the world."

-Shaia Nahn
October 8, 2010
"With Jesus in heart and Bible in hand, Heaven's on the horizon."

-Noah Rees
October 9, 2010
"Just as the mournings of the fall are transformed to the brilliance of summer
Through the dead of winter and the spring of rebirth,
So also we condemned sinners, when we receive Jesus the Lord, are transformed
Into His likeness by His death and resurrection on the earth.
(It's no wonder you love summer!)"

-Season Sovolov
October 10, 2010

We don't need it;
Don't worry,
That's what matters;
Yes, I believe in God,

and in

The power of His love--
I can trust Him.

Won't you?

O come let us adore Him."

-Emmatra Stenninham
October 11, 2010
"Christian, withstand the crashes,
You'll rise up from the ashes."

-Fee Nicks
October 12, 2010
"Just as every word is at some point found in a sentence,
So also everyone living out the Good Word will at some point serve a sentence of some sort."

-Ben N. D. Forge
October 13, 2010
"True anxiety is found in christians who forget their God...
And in non-christians who remember Him."

-Ji Zasedh Kamtumi
October 14, 2010
"By making the impossible possible,
God makes the unbelievable believable."

-Faith N. Godson
October 15, 2010
"The Lord uses broken people much
The same way a poet uses broken
Lines: They pull in whoever reads
Them to keep reading, penultimately
To the end of the poem, ultimately to
The end of themselves, which is to the
Lord Himself."

-Nora Imes-Stilpowetik
October 16, 2010

"With my Guide leading me,
I will run and not grow weary;
I will run with perseverance the race that He has marked out for me;
I will run with god-speed:
I am Godspeed."

-Mahal "Emma" Malutin
October 17, 2010
"Proper communication gets the message, a cross."

-F. I. Edwin Chance
October 18, 2010
"Suffering and delay are gifts from God,
For while praising Him is practiced in pain-free good times,
It is perfected in suffering and delay."

-Hikipsmi Singh-Ng
October 19, 2010
"Live outside the box,
Live in God's Box."

-Christian Perry Dachs
October 20, 2010
"Incomprehensible peace comes with the calming knowledge that Jesus is Lord."

-Ang-Xiu Snomore
October 21, 2010
"There's no foreclosure on the house Jesus freely offers; you should take His deal."

-Evan Lee Holmes
October 22, 2010
"God puts the extra- in the ordinary, for just as Jesus showed His supernatural self to three simple fishermen, so also today He shows Himself to His fishers of people."

-Ollie Nadei Zwerk
October 23, 2010
"Father in heaven, You know all things,
Thank You for what to us You've shown;
Thank You for helping us to persevere
Without knowing all that You've known;
In Jesus' name, amen."

-N. Faith Seymour
October 24, 2010
"Two words put together make word swords; observe: WORDSWORDS"

-Nahtsosih Leelih Terra-Lizst
October 25, 2010
"I was hurting, lost and dying, but my Best Friend saved me;
His Father treats me as His own Son, loves Me as His own Son.
Together They're making me better."

-Rico Verring Collins Wickham-Mix
October 26, 2010
"If you'll add time alone with God to your busy schedule,
He'll multiply your effectiveness,
divide your doubt,
and subtract your fear."

-Matt Matishen
October 27, 2010

"With my Guide leading me,
I will come in like a flood;
I will separate waters from waters and part seas and rivers at His command;
I will navigate His currents like the ichthus:
I am Ichthus."

-Ioannis Psaras
October 28, 2010
"God made me come alive, He showed me the secret is to let go of what I want, that I may receive what He knows I need."

-May Denfare
October 29, 2010
"Dear God, As you sit with me, refining me like fine gold and choice silver, I'll praise You from the center of the fire, and I say thank You; in Jesus' name, amen."

-Precious Mettle
October 30, 2010
"We can run the marathon that is life if we will be like the rainbow after the storm."

-N. Durance
October 31, 2010
"Don't know what to pray? No problem! When you're with Jesus, just let the Holy Spirit take over; you might be surprised at what you find yourself praying for!"

-Preyunsi Singh-Lee
