The Status Quotes
June 2010

June 1, 2010
"Despair is to victory a barrier
And hopelessness to souls a buryer;
An army's defeat is assured
When warriors become worryers."

-Noah Rees
June 2, 2010
"Those who've never tried faith have never really been tried."

-Joaquin Daly-Wytham
June 3, 2010
"Through storm's strain,
Straining boat's mast,
Master at the helm,
Helmet saving head,
Heading for destiny,
Destined to storm through."

-Owenlee G. Zuskandwit
June 4, 2010
"Stormclouds gather in the night sky
When darkness presses against me strong;
Lightning strikes cloud to cloud showing
God works on my behalf all night long."

-N. Faith Seymour
June 5, 2010
"The last time I missed a sign from God, I lost a car,
Because the sign said, 'STOP'!"

-Wah Chau Fithatri
June 6, 2010
"Like electrical appliances not plugged into a power outlet,
Christians who neglect their prayers to God
Simply cannot function properly for lack of power."

-Anh Mai Neece
June 7, 2010
"Yay! Though I stroll through a valley in the shadowy night,
I shall not fear, for God is with me;
His time, His key and His notes on His staff, they comfort me."

-Hikipsmi Singh-Ng
June 8, 2010
"The substance of things hoped for,
And the evidence of things not seen,
When put on display
Overcomes wickedness
In all its vast array."

-B. Lee Venningham
June 9, 2010
"I used to suppose troubles were coming
And hope for nothing at best;
Now I suppose God's always in charge
And so when prostrate, stand tallest."

-Noah Rees
June 10, 2010
"Before this timeline began to play out from the beginning to the end,
The one true Almighty, All-knowing God was sure to plan accordingly,
Such that no matter how the road might sharply turn or suddenly bend,
He would still with a bold fierceness lavish His love on us unsparingly."

-Godfrey Lee Karasphorus
June 11, 2010
"Gentleness is often confused with frailty, but do not be mistaken,
For frailty is as a breakable twig broken between the fingers,
But gentleness is as a large piece of fine worked wood, or the Unbreakable TWIG:
Strong, sanded and refined, that, long after a would-be breaker's passing, lingers."

-Pao Runda Kahn-Traulle
June 12, 2010
"Whenever we forget to go to our knees in prayer,
We get driven there!"

-Rich & Emma Terry Elways
June 13, 2010
"Because of our internal struggles and wars with demons and our sins,
True peace is a gift given soully and wholly by the Prince of Peace."

-Owenlee G. Zuskandwit
June 14, 2010
"Faith is a footbridge that leads to the footbridge that leads home."

-Joaquin Daly-Wytham
June 15, 2010
"See a rose from the earth
By the rain from the heaven?
He arose from the earth
By the reign from the heaven."

-N. Krai Stallone
June 16, 2010
"Our prayer lives are like buildings in the shape of giant coffee cups:
The foundations are faith,
The walls are love,
The windows are hope,
And the handle is the Word of God;
There is no roofing,
That we may fully receive God's showers of blessing.
May our cups overflow!"

-Hikipsgi Ving Toomey
June 17, 2010
"Would you know God's will?
Would you know what He has known?
Then in mind, body and spirit, be still!
Then you will have truly grown."

-Grace A. Bounds
June 18, 2010
"As in powerwalking, so in life:
The greatest benefit is had with brisk stride and bold arm movement.
I might look funny when I'm doing it,
but it feels GREAT!
You should try it."

-Joy B. Kazama-Christian
June 19, 2010
"Grain, flour, dough, bread;
Grind, sift, knead, bake;
Trial, test, stress, break;
Pain, but, now, fed."

-Cruz E. Fayed
June 20, 2010
"Not sure which way to go? Look up."

-Al Olwehsbe Needingham
June 21, 2010
"A house is not itself a home,
But a structure that is its symbol
For the quiet of mind and peace of heart
Of a spiritual refuge for the soul."

-Gladys Noingham
June 22, 2010
"The greatest pain I'd ever felt
Was soothed from heav'n above,
When at the cross of Christ I knelt
And received God's extravagant love."

-Nabayeni Adanem
June 23, 2010
"Standing on the sea
Stepping toward the Master
Stumbling to glory"

-Christian Walker
June 24, 2010
"When you are at God's disposal,
God is at your disposal."

-Mayer Wilby Dunn
June 25, 2010
God holds off bullies
And parts the sea,
That each person may know
Even they can be free."

-Ainothu A. Holm
June 26, 2010
"Whether on your feet, on your knees, on your back or on your face,
If you will live in praying faith, you'll make your world a better place."

-Preyunsi Singh-Lee
June 27, 2010
"How strong is God?
With but a word He creates,
With a tear He floods,
With a breath He brings life,
And with a passing over He preserves life
And takes it away.

Though I am weak, He is my strength."

-Terry Fayed-Baihem
June 28, 2010
"An open door hinges on a fixed frame."

-Abel Carpenter
June 29, 2010
"When faced with all I cannot do,
I focus on all God CAN do."

-Emmatra Stenninham
June 30, 2010
"Even small bones of contention
Can drown out Wisdom's whisper,
But upon discovery of a soul purpose,
A timbre Edenic resounds crisper."

-Clay Jarman
