Week 47 |
Day 1 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Sunday, November 16, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 47:1-7 - "Smells Like Philistine Spirit". Imagine for a moment you are the God of the universe, and you have this group of people with whom you have made a covenant deal, they are your kids, and there are these other kids who've been bullying them on-and-off for hundreds of years.
This week we'll find in our reading how the ACTUAL God of the universe deals with bullies in the people of the Philistines. Once and for all. |
Day 2 |  | (Originally posted Monday, November 17, 2014)
Jeremiah 47:1 - "Calling The Shot". Today we read the heading that we should by now recognize as the Jeremianic formula telling us what is about to be said is given by Yahweh. In this particular heading, we are also told when this word was given against the Philistines. And though we may not know exactly when pharaoh attacked Gaza, we do know it was the Babylonians that ended them, not Egypt. So this message came to them at a time when there was no indication that there was even trouble brewing. This made Jeremiah sound crazy. Again. And he turned out to be right. Again. |
Day 3 | ******* CAUTION ******* ******* MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. ******* 
Link to video clip******* MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. ******* ******* CAUTION ******* | (Originally posted Tuesday, November 18, 2014)
*******CAUTION: MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. ******* Jeremiah 47:2-3 - "Coming In Like A Flood". As we read today, let's try to imagine what it might be like in our day and time to be invaded by zombies. The same sort of fear that might grip us is what the average Philistine hearing Jeremiah's message should be feeling. It's supposed to be unsettling.
Day 4 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Wednesday, November 19, 2014)
Jeremiah 47:4 - "Closing Time". See also Genesis 10:14 and Hebrews 9:27-28. "Casluhim" means "hopes of life". And while some may weep for the passing away of the Philistine people, let's understand they were gifted with several hundreds of years to do good, to love justice and to show mercy--none of which they did. And so Yahweh, when presented with a lemon of a people, proceeds to make lemonade. The cautionary tale of the lives and times of the Philistine people is their greatest contribution to humanity. We all owe a death, Christian or not. At the time of that death, we will proceed to our eternal home, either taken to heaven by Jesus or taken to hell by our own actions. When it's my time to go, I know I want Jesus to take me home. Do you know who you want to take you home? |
Day 5 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Thursday, November 20, 2014)
Jeremiah 47:5 - "The Mourning After". While reading our one verse today, we should be aware that baldness can be in this context referring to the appearance of the land, as it has been razed by the Babylonians, as well as the natural hair loss that comes with much grief, and the hair loss that comes as the grief-stricken pull it out, a sign of utter despair. The self-gashing that is referred to is another grieving behavior that deflects seemingly unbearable pain. See also Job 2:8. Be mindful of the Living Holy Spirit that moves and works in our lives, even as we read the words He Himself breathed. We don't read these stories of peoples long gone in order to somehow try and save them. They had their time, and they missed their manifold opportunities. Remember always that we are blessed with these accounts in order to avoid their fate and to help others do likewise. Through all the darkness that we call this life, there is indeed a morning after. It's on the way. |
Day 6 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Friday, November 21, 2014)
Jeremiah 47:6-7 - "Excision". In finishing our chapter this week, we encounter a phrase "the sword of Yahweh". It means His judgment. And His judgment is indeed upon the Philistines. It didn't stop until they were totally gone. Let us pray today as one nation under God that we stop giving Him millions of reasons to unsheathe His sword.
OUR Father, who is in heaven... |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, November 22, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 47:1-7 and REST in the realization thatYahweh's sword can slice through a people and forever end a nation; Or it can slap them with its side from city to city and leave room for restoration. |