Week 45 |
Day 1 |  | (Originally posted Sunday, November 2, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 45:1-5 - "A Message For A Blessed One Who's Missing The Big Picture". Our chapter this week is so tiny we'll get to focus on one verse per day. We'll get to look at the anatomy of an encouragement from Yahweh to His servants when they're feeling down and even put upon by Him. Atoms are tiny, but if we split them, all kinds of great and terrible things result. Prepare yourself. |
Day 2 |  | (Originally posted Monday, November 3, 2014)
Jeremiah 45:1 - "Theolgebra". Theology is the study of God, and Algebra is the discipline within mathematics concerned with solving equations containing a variable or variables that may or may not be known or knowable. Yes? Yahweh has blessed us in His Word with motifs like meaning-bound-in-names, among others. "Baruch" means "Blessed". "Neraiah" means "Lamp[Of]Yah[weh]". So the message Jeremiah is giving in this chapter is literally to "Blessed, son of LampOfYah". So how are you living? Are you blessed? Are you a son of a lamp of God? When I read Psalm 119:105, I know His word is a lamp to my feet, a light to my path. John 1:9 tells me Jesus is that True Light. When I read John 1:12, I know I am a child of God because I received Him when I believed in His name. So back to Jeremiah 45:1. It is specifically to Baruch Neraiahson, but it's also to me, and to you if you are a christian.
So pay attention, christian. |
Day 3 |  | (Originally posted Tuesday, November 4, 2014)
Jeremiah 45:2 - "When God Speaks To You By Name". See also Jeremiah 36. Our verse today is often overlooked because it seems so straightforward. But the scribe Baruch didn't overlook it. It got him through this rough period when he alone stood with Jeremiah, writing most of this book by hand and reading it publicly. Imagine painstakingly handwriting a document that should be preserved for the ages and then learning the king had it read in his presence and burned it up bit by bit. That's a rough day. And so also with us. When our God Yahweh is reaching out and speaking directly to us--by name--it is a landmark moment in our lives. As followers of Jesus, our better days are not days at all. We will have eternity with our God; this will be our awesomest holiday.
This gets us through our rough patches. |
Day 4 |  | (Originally posted Wednesday, November 5, 2014)
Jeremiah 45:3 - "And What Does Salt Do?". Today we get to read Baruch's complaint which Yahweh heard and is now repeating to assure us all He hears. And perfectly clear. His complaint is like our saying about salt in a wound. Insult added to injury. Perhaps spiritually, Baruch is dried up like salt when he said this. We've been there, and if you haven't, well, it's time to reexamine. Jesus told us to be salt as well as light, but just what does salt do? Many, many things, but the common theme is salt is USEFUL. Even in our most downtrodden times, we can still serve God and be useful. If we choose to do so.
So stay useful, my friends.
(About the pic: this is a model of a cluster of salt molecules. It seems familiar...) |
Day 5 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Thursday, November 6, 2014)
Jeremiah 45:4 - "So That's What Noah Must've Felt Like". What we read today is a setup for the point that Yahweh makes to Baruch in the next verse, which we will look at tomorrow.
But for today, how would you take it if God gave you an inside track on something big that was about to happen? It's a heady thing to receive a word from Him, not quite knowing what He means in minute and exacting detail, but then the thing happens and suddenly what He was telling you fits perfectly. Just trust Him. He knows what He's doing. If He tells you to build an ark, build an ark. If He tells you to write down His prophet's words, write down His prophet's words. If He tells you to show up and get an autograph, show up and get an autograph. He'll take care of the rest.
And if He tells you to be patient with him, please be patient with him. |
Day 6 |  | (Originally posted Friday, November 7, 2014)
Jeremiah 45:5 - "Proper Etiquette Onboard A Sinking Ship". As we close out our brief yet breathtaking chapter this week, let's learn from the response Yahweh gives His servant, the blessed one, Baruch. Remember that questions from God are so much more because He already knows everything. This question is rhetorical; it simply informs its readers that Yahweh is fully aware of motives. And with it He gets right to the heart of the matter: Baruch came forward boldly thinking there was some great prestige and highly esteemed position at the end of this road, but had his earthly hopes dashed when he got the same hateful treatment as Jeremiah. This world we live in is not eternal, it is a ship at sea that left port ages ago and whose adventures will come to an end as she sinks, slowly but certainly. On this proverbial boat, even the captain's quarters will end up on the ocean floor. Don't seek after it. And so also with us, my christian brothers. And sisters. Let's be advised (or reminded) that there is a difference between making a living and making a killing. The abundant life to which Jesus called us was not a life of health and wealth. We are fools for Christ whose hearts should be sick over the countless souls that are on their way to hell to burn forever. The true wealth is the people who have said, are saying, and will say yes to Jesus, our Lifeboat. |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, November 8, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 45:1-5 and REST in the conviction thatYahweh rescues even His servants who may in a moment covet prestige, And by precision of justice and mercy He gracefully proves He is our Liege. |