Week 18 |
Day 1 |  | (Originally posted Sunday, April 27, 2014)
Overview Jeremiah 18:1-23 - "Round And Round". As we read through this week's chapter, let's try to keep the spin on the potter's wheel and in so doing observe God's patience with His people, His prophet, and ultimately us as we look around. |
Day 2 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Monday, April 28, 2014)
Jeremiah 18:1-4 - "The Setup" or "Here's The Concept". Today after we read our portion, let's do like Jeremiah did by watching this video and considering what we have seen. Discussion to follow. |
Day 3 | 
Link to video clip | (Originally posted Tuesday, April 29, 2014)
Jeremiah 18:5-12 - "The Payoff" or "Here's The Application". Okay, so yesterday we saw the potter doing his thing like Jeremiah did, and now we've read our portion today. It's all simple enough, isn't it? This is what it means when we hear the statement, "God is sovereign." He is in control like the potter, and we are a curious kind of clay. We have volition, so we can choose to cooperate with His wishes and become wonderful jars of clay to hold whatever He would have us hold, or we can choose to resist, ending up with "fatal twists" like the piece in yesterday's video, and all that's left is to be squashed, and possibly reworked. The time lost in the reworking is the tragedy that will sting towards the end and for most, sting for eternity.
Best to let God the Potter work His magic on us; He'll take care of us even in the most hairy situation. |
Day 4 |  | (Originally posted Wednesday, April 30, 2014)
Jeremiah 18:13-17 - " 'Can You BELIEVE God's Little Girl?' ". As we read today's passage, let's recall that Yahweh has shown us how He is like a potter and we are like clay. Today we read the reaction to God's people's scandalous behavior, by worshiping other gods or even themselves, acting as if they were the potters, spinning up their own objects of worship. It's not unlike the church today juxtaposed against a popular romantic movie from the '90s with supernatural themes. Its celebration of divination as a good thing totally eclipsed its notion that cohabitation is a good thing. This film to this day is still regarded as one of the greatest love stories even in some church circles (!) because it makes it's audience feel the passionate emotional whirlwind of sex without marriage and life beyond eath apart from Yahweh. The women swoon, and the church has to pivot to stay on its feet as she becomes weak in the knees. In the church, our romance addiction is killing our love for others. Maybe you didn't hear that. IN THE CHURCH, OUR ROMANCE ADDICTION IS KILLING OUR LOVE FOR OTHERS. The greatest damage is obviously the credibility of our testimony when we as Christians do such things that compromise with the unchristian and antichristian world. How can we ask our unsaved friends and family to do what God says if we ourselves aren't even trying? If they can't believe what we are doing, how can they believe what our God Yahweh has done for them in His Son Jesus our Savior? |
Day 5 |  | (Originally posted Thursday, May 1, 2014)
Jeremiah 18:18 - "Yahweh's Enemies Stick Out Tongue". As we read today's verse, let's realize that as Christians, attitudes like these expressed by the enemies of Yahweh (and therefore enemies of Jeremiah) are the same attitudes we encounter when we share His good GOSPEL (God's Own Son Provided Eternal Life). Like the unsaved antagonists of Christianity in our day, those enemies of God were living in denial that their world, everything they knew was at an end. They didn't like the message of God, though true, so they attack His messenger Jeremiah who brought it. So the next time you may feel discouraged because some smug and smooth talker tells you you're not smart enough or spiritual enough or educated enough or whatever enough to do what God has told you to do, just remember as the Christian, you are on the same side that Jeremiah was; and take heart, your God Yahweh makes all the difference.
~Only when the snake sticks out its tongue does it smell.~ |
Day 6 | 
(Originally posted Friday, May 2, 2014)
Jeremiah 18:19-23 - "Careful What You Pray For, ...". It's a frustrating thing to do what God is telling you to do, even through all sorts of obstacles and humiliations, only to come out the other side and find yourself targeted for termination-- or at least character assassination. If this were playing out in our time, Jeremiah would be dealing here with cyberbullies. With degrees. In places of material power. As we read today's section, we can see that Jeremiah's response to his enemies petitions for a "scorched earth" approach: "Please God, take out my enemies AND anyone that might want to take their place and take me out." (We might be tempted to add "In Jesus' Name, Amen." If you didn't think that, just keep walking up the road with Jesus a little more, and then you'll know what we're talking about!) It has been noted that we have no recorded answer from God to this prayer. That's true. His silence can make us antsy, because we want to hear, "YES!". And we want it in neon. Flashing. With trumpets goldenly blaring. And angels. "Ahhh"-ing angelically. But no. Nothing. After reading a couple of chapters ahead, one might just notice that in this silence... He didn't say "no", either.
~~~ "Unrighteous anger takes matters into its own hands and seeks to destroy the offender, while righteous anger turns the matter over to God and seeks to help the offended. Anguish is anger plus love, and it isn't easy to maintain a holy balance. If Jeremiah seems too angry to us, perhaps some of us today aren't angry enough at the evil in this world." -Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe ~~~ |
Day 7 |  | (Originally posted Saturday, May 3, 2014)
Review Jeremiah 18:1-23 and REST in the revelation thatCircular reasoning leads to where it sets out from, But going 'round with Yahweh imparts more than the sum. |