
"Those who choose to go the way of evil will be 'nevermore'."

Real Name: Pedro Guerrero Delacruz
Occupation: Electrical Engineer
Identity: Secret
Legal status: Citizen of the U.S.A.
Former aliases: Bloodhawk
Place of birth: Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S.A.
Marital status: Widower
Known relatives: Esperanza Delacruz, wife (deceased)
Group affiliation: Member of the A-Men
Base of operations: Formerly Miami, Florida, U.S.A., currently Eccentra City, Colorado, U.S.A.
First appearance: AltarNet Reality Book 1 - Inheriting the Whirlwind
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 190lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: White
Known superhuman powers: None
Abilities: Ravenhawk is trained and accomplished in many forms of martial arts, unmatched in strategy and tactics, and a master of camouflage and environmental, or guerilla, warfare.
Weapons: All weapons that Ravenhawk uses are of his own design, typically utilizing compressed CO2, and are usually designed to be non-fatal.
Paraphernalia: Ravenhawk utilizes various items to assist in hand-to-hand combat, camouflage, escape and misdirection.
Transportation: Ravenhawk has at his disposal various vehicles to traverse sea, air and land.
Resources: As an A-man, Ravenhawk is in constant spectral link with Guide. This linkage provides a kind of extra-sensory perception in certain situations. Additionally, as a result of his successful business dealings and shrewd decisionmaking, Ravenhawk has access to a vast financial pool, and special access into various avenues of business and government.

"With my Guide leading me,
I will soar on wings like the eagle, using my gifts and talons to fight the good fight;
I will stand watch through the night like the owl, until the rising of the sun as a bird of prayer;
I will persevere like the raven and swoop in like the hawk:
Yo soy Halcon de Cuervo (I am Ravenhawk)."

Copyright © 2010 Robert Paul Breeden

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