Father in heaven, You know all things Thank You for what to us You've shown Thank You for helping us to persevere Without knowing all that You've known |
Thank You for Faith and the blessing she was Thank You for Hope and the blessing she will be Infinite thanks to You for Love and His blessing Enabling us to ever be free |
Thank You for You You are tried and true Thank You for Jesus Your Son Your Holy Crim-Son Thank You for Your Holy Spirit One plus One equals One Three but One Inseparate |
Thank You for skies red and for skies blue For they show us and testify that You are You Thank You for weather or not we believe You gave us all a chance to receive |
Thank You for hearts red and for hearts blue For they move us and make us feel that You are You Thank You for broken, thank You for broken For a chance to have all that You've spoken |
Thank You for bloods blue and bloods red For Christ Jesus and all His blood that was shed For the
Thank You for all of these things Thank You for all these blessings |
Father in heaven, thank You for forever Your praises we will will sing In Jesus' name Amen. |
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