"O.K. I give up. What's a Berean?"

by J. B.

If we are honest with ourselves we will have to admit that we are
creatures of habit. We usually sit near the same place when visiting the
same room more than once. We have a pattern of behavior when we wake up
each morning. We eat the same foods regularly. We use the same speech
patterns. If we are churchgoers we most likely prefer the same hymns and
expect the same worship order. But what does this have to do with
Bereans? "Who or what are the Bereans?" you may now be asking.

Well, hold on to your hat because the explanation requires a look
into the Bible! If you go to the 17th chapter of the Acts of the
Apostles, you will find an account, starting at verse 10, in which the
apostle Paul and his co-worker, Silas, have just left Thessalonica and
arrived in the city of Berea. We are told that they went to the Jewish
synagogue. Luke, the writer of Acts, tells us that, "the Bereans were of
more noble character than the Thessalonians
, for they received the message
with great eagerness and they examined the Scriptures every day TO SEE IF

I don't know about you, but when I was being brought up in the
religion of my birth, I was told I didn't have enough faith if I
questioned the "clergy". I was belittled. I was not encouraged to check
out the teachings of those who delivered the message to me. If I
questioned old traditions they made me feel foolish. But what were the
attitudes of Paul and Silas and Luke concerning those who examined their
teachings? They were called noble and praiseworthy and admirable! Were
you encouraged by those who taught you of Christ to check them out? If
you have been, go to them and thank them, if you can. Thank them for
allowing you to search the Word of God to verify what they taught you.
Thank them that they are God's humble servants who trust God enough to
allow you to search and test His Word. Be thankful that you have not been
spiritually abused by "religious authorities" who lord it over you, teach
you lies or, for that matter, make no demands on you at all.

Whatever your experience, be it positive or negative, I urge you to
become even more fervent in your study of God's Word in these days. We
are in perilous times and need the feeding "on every word that comes from
the mouth of God"! We need fellowship with other believers in Christ, to
maintain the love of God, which is growing cold in the world. We need to
break bread with those of like mind, concerning Christ, and we need the
constant filling of the Holy Spirit. "Be not drunk with wine which is
excess but be ye filled with the Holy Spirit"!

Be a Berean. Test all things. Check out old traditions and new
trends. Be sure. Ask God for guidance. He is thrilled with your prayers
for advice. And don't forget to thank God for sustaining you always.

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