"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness must flee."
Real Name: Ada Powers
Occupation: Dancer
Identity: Publicly known
Legal status: Citizen of the U.S.A.
Former aliases: Powerhouse II
Place of birth: Eccentra City, Colorado
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: General Jephthah Powers (AKA Powerhouse I), father, deceased
Group affiliation: Member of the A-Men
Base of operations: Haven Installation, Eccentra City, Colorado, U.S.A.
First appearance: AltarNet Reality Book 3 - Into the Light
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 93lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Purple, previously blonde
Known superhuman powers: Lighthouse has the supernatural power to transform energy from one form to another: light, heat, sound, gravity and inertia into any of the other four kinds. Lighthouse uses this power to fly by transforming gravity into light, heat and/or sound, also into inertia by moving herself or something else. She also uses this power extensively to telekinetically move people or things, for example as projectiles, create or put out fire, shine blinding lights, blast ear-splitting soundwaves, microwave and radiowave air transmitting, shoot lightning bolts, plus many other abilities by combining these conversions that have yet to be disclosed.
Abilities: The daughter of a military officer, Lighthouse is highly trained in hand-to-hand combat, weapons, strategy and tactics.
Paraphernalia: Lighthouse's cape is fastened with a gold disc from her deceased father's outfit, which she keeps as a memento and reminder of all for which he stood, and that for which he died: Truth, justice, and righteousness.
Resources: As an A-man, Lighthouse is in constant spectral link with Guide. This linkage provides a kind of extra-sensory perception in certain situations.