Real Name: Ioannis Psaras
Occupation: Freelance security contractor
Identity: Publicly known
Legal status: Citizen of Greece, with criminal charges pending in several countries
Former Aliases: Floodgate
Place of birth: Athens, Greece
Marital Status: Single
Known relatives: Unknown
Group affiliation: Former member of NEO (New Earth Organization); currently member of the A-Men
Base of operation: Formerly the "Floodgates of Hell" base on the bottom of the Aegean Sea, currently Haven Installation, Eccentra City, Colorado, U.S.A.
First Appearance: (as Floodgate) AltarNet Reality Book 1 - Inheriting the Whirlwind, (as Ichthus) AltarNet Reality Book 5 - Coming in Like a Flood
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 198 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Known Superhuman Powers: Ichthus has the supernatural ability to control all water in its shape and density, allowing him to make it flow around him in such a way as to propel himself through rivers, lakes, seas and oceans at very high speeds; Ichthus can manipulate water as well in such a way as to use it as multiple projectiles, or as a high pressure stream, or in any other way he can imagine.
Abilities: A former mercenary, Ichthus is highly trained in martial arts, the art of war, weapons and tactics, combat strategy, and military resource management, particularly in the maritime field.
Resources: As an A-Man, Ichthus is in constant spectral link with Guide. This linkage provides a kind of extra-sensory perception in certain situations.