Crosstrainers, December 14, 2008

Sweet "P"s (5 of 5): The Physics Of Repentance

WELLness Initiative
- If we were all cars, which car would you be? Discuss.

Exercise - Roleplay: Driving on raised highway, section out; other cars on road with you; other cars driving the other way. Given that you know the gap is coming up, what would you do?

Lesson - The Physics of Repentance (Key verses: Matthew 7:13, 14)

Life Application
Hopefully, we can see more clearly how important it is to turn around completely and to withstand all the collisions that will occur as a result. Prayerfully, we can see the physics of repentance going on around us and within us as we drive along the road of life no longer on the highway to hell, but with His cruise control set, and His Wind at our backs, bringing us closer day by day to the gate that leads to His salvation. Let us pray.

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