July 12, 2009
Christmas In July (2 of 4)
- The Guiding Light -
It Is WELL With My Soul:
- Warm-up: Gift Reception - Class asked who would like to receive a free gift; first six receive laser pointers to use in following exercise; next six receive permanent markers to use in following exercise.
- Exercise: "Laser-Guided Writing On The Wall" - pair the 12 recipients of the gifts and have the laser pointer recipients see the words to have written. They in turn begin pointing where the permanent marker recipients are to write the words on the posterboards posted around the room. When done, the six words should be on the posterboards, ready to refer to in the lesson portion. The words are greek: phos (light), to (the), tou (the), kosmou (of world), eimi ((I) am), magoi (wise men)
- Lesson: Christmas In July (2 of 4): The Guiding Light
- The Light Guided The Wise Men To The King Of Kings (Matthew 2:1-9)
- The Light Displays God's Works (John 9:5-7)
- The Light Is Jesus Christ (John 9:5)
- Christ, The Light, Is In Christians (Matthew 5:14-16)
- Life application: As Christians, we are lights, like stars, superintended by God to lead people to the Lord Jesus Christ, just like the star led the Magi to the Child in the stable environment. Let us pray.
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