
February 22, 2009
Eating, Drinking and Merriment

In keeping with our 2009 Initiative "365 Holy Days", this week we look forward to two common observances, Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday, as these will be here the 24th and 25th.

Mardi Gras, French for "Fat Tuesday" is always the day before Ash Wednesday, which in the Liturgical calendar marks the first day of the season known as Lent. This season corresponds with the time in the Bible that Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness fasting and praying and being tempted by Satan to sin.

Fat Tuesday also is referred to in other places as "Carnival", which is a word that is related to "fleshliness". This day is basically a day that people have used, as someone once said, to sort of "get all of their sinning out of the way before the serious and solemn time of Lent begins".

Key Verse: Matthew 11:18, 19

Lesson: Partying is not bad! But partying can create situations that are bad. It is always important to know why it is we are partying--what are we celebrating? And with whom are we celebrating? What is to go on at this party? If the answer to the last is sinful behavior, then obviously it would be bad to participate!

In the Daniel passage, Belshazzar inappropriately uses God's worship instruments for his feast party. It was his last night on earth.

References: Daniel 5:1-4, 30, 31; Matthew 18:3-11

In the Matthew passage, peer pressure and extremely bad judgment overcomes Herod, and he ends up beheading John Baptist as a gift to his niece/stepdaughter. Likewise, we can do some really stupid things in the wrong company at the wrong celebrations!

Life Application Reference: Ephesians 5:18-21

Going forward, let's party at all times because we know Jesus Christ!! Let's celebrate with our brothers and sisters in Christ, and let's invite "outsiders" to become insiders, let's get them into the "party" Spirit that comes only from accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord! Party on--the right way!!!

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