Crosstrainers, February 8, 2009 - Love: Beyond Biochemistry

What is love? Greek language reveals four kinds of what we call love: "storgey," which is a familial and familiar kind of love; "eros," which is what we know of as romantic love, typically worshipped on Valentine's Day; "philia," love of the kind shared between platonic friends, and "agapey," also known as the God-kind of love, that highest love that seeks the benefit of its object.

With Valentine's Day upon us, this morning we shall focus upon that romantic kind of love, "eros". Eros is EXTREMELY powerful! Who among us hasn't been "in love"? And who among us doesn't want to be in love? It is important, especially as followers of Christ Jesus our Lord to remember that these feelings are feelings! This may be obvious, but so often we forget all of our lessons when we feel those eros feelings and there is someone in the world that we want to be with MORE than God Himself!

[Take a look at "The 7 D's" lesson over Psalm 1 and review the cycles both of righteousness and of wickedness. Review the cycle of actions, feelings, thoughts.]

Case Study: Jacob loves Rachel (Genesis)

Case Study: The Song of Songs

Cardiac Proverbs (remember, Greek "kardia" is English "heart")

Life Application: In the final analysis, all four of the kinds of love are necessary to live an abundant Christian life! We must must must be sure it is "Agapey" that is leading the other three. The Lord will indeed bless us with "eros", but we must put Him first!

References: The Holy Bible by Yahweh (compiled by various) and The Four Loves by C. S. Lewis

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