G | lorious Father in Heaven, |
O | ur God Most High, |
D | esigner of each moment, You are; |
H | ow |
E | xcellent it is, O |
L | ord, when we lose our earthly |
P | erspective, and see Yours, that we may |
U | nderstand more |
S | uperlatively Your |
L | ove- |
I | n-Action, when we |
V | iew this |
E | arthly timeline |
F | rom the majestic |
O | verview of Your lap, where we are |
R | eclined in repose--thank |
Y | ou, Dad; |
O | vercome our |
U | ndying fears with Your |
T | error, O precious Yahweh Tsidkenu; |
H | over over the surface of the deep |
I | ssues of our apprehensive hearts; |
S | earch out our innermost |
Y | earnings, O God-Who-Already-Knows; |
E | xplicate to us our individual |
A | ssignments, O God-Our-Coordinator; |
R | emind us to focus |
A | ll of our concentration |
S | olely on the job You have given |
T | o each one of us; |
H | ave mercy |
O | n us where we have failed You, |
U | ncover our apathies, O |
G | od-Who-Loves, and |
H | inder our critics, who |
I | ncite and inflame at |
T | he expense of Your servants; |
W | elcome many new children |
E | ntering Your kingdom this year, and |
R | ejoice with us, Dad-Who-Warms; |
E | xpel those who not only |
O | bject to You, but work feverishly to |
U | ndermine Your |
R | esplendent glory, O God-Who-Casts; |
L | ord God |
A | lmighty we pray by the power of Your Holy |
S | pirit, in |
T | he name of Jesus Christ, amen. |
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