F | ather in Heaven, |
O | ur Precious God Most High; |
R | ighteous Judge and |
G | lorious Majesty, You are; |
I | nhabit Your children's singular |
V | oice as we praise Your |
E | xcellent greatness; |
U | ndo us where we |
S | in against You and You |
O | nly, |
U | proot the iniquity that |
R | estricts our good service to You; |
S | ave us from ourselves, |
I | mmanuel, even Your |
N | aive little ones from the |
S | earing flames that our |
, | |
D | isobedience brings; |
E | mpower us, O |
A | lmighty God, and |
R | estore us to |
L | ive altared, throwing |
O | ut Your net to all in this |
R | eality; by the power of Your Holy Spirit, |
D | edicated in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. |
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