G | od Almighty, |
O | ur Father in Heaven, |
D | elineator of |
H | ierarchy You are; |
E | stablish again Your |
L | oving and righteous |
P | ower in our nation; |
U | nleash Your Holy |
S | pirit upon us in |
P | roportion to our |
A | ctions, whether they |
R | esound Your glory or |
R | egret Your excellent Name, |
Y | ahweh, precious Most High God; |
T | ransform now |
H | eathens into Your children, |
E | mpower Your |
C | alledOut to |
O | vercome the |
M | obilization being |
I | nitiated even |
N | ow, O |
G | reat God, stream through the |
D | esert that has |
A | merica |
R | eeling, help us to see |
K | neeling |
N | ow before You, |
E | ven now, will prepare us to forevermore |
S | erve You; by the power of Your Holy |
S | pirit, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. |
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