God Almighty, Our Heavenly Father, Devoted Shepherd, You are; , Be light in our darkness, Yahweh Elohim, O blessed Yahweh Rophe, close Our open wounds, Undergird us by Your Redeeming love, Because Your Love Undergirds Everything And Your love Never Dies; remind us that Your Precious Unblemished Redeemer Provided Life Everlasting, And by His provision, No one will perish who Decides to live for You, for Reconciliation with You Evades the lake of fire, avoids the Destruction of the second death; God's Own Son Provided Eternal Life, and we will praise You forevermore for it, , Selah; As You see fit, LORD, bring Victory to Your faithful servants, and Your Ever-present and helpful Holy Spirit to them in Austin tonight; Undertake, if it please You, to Save this bent city, Transform it in Your Infinite wisdom, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, in the Name of Jesus Christ our LORD, amen and amen and , A M E N . |
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