I have this verse of Scripture that keeps ringing throughout my being, resounding throughout my soul; it is at once inspiring and convicting. I've read this verse many times before, but it is only now that it has been so resonating.
Psalm 115:17 reads, "The dead do not praise the LORD, nor do any who go down into silence."
It reminds me when I haven't been praising my God and King, my Creator and Redeemer, my Savior and Lord, my Reason and Truth, my Ransom and Purchaser, my Owner and Caretaker, my Father and Friend, that I am acting like a dead person walking, a zombie, someone who hasn't received the free gift that God offers to all; that is, the Gift of His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, like whom there is no other. They offer no praise because they have no gift.
It reminds me to praise Him always, because of His gift to me.
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